The Pregnancy Test

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Mangle's POV 

I kept hearing someone....throwing up or something for a few days. I walked into the bathroom, clearing my throat. "Helloooo??" I walked into the stalls more, seeing one almost all the way open. I took a few steps when I heard a hiss. I jumped and growled back. "Who's there?? I'm not s-scared of you!!!!" I said, walking closer to open stale. I saw a figure walk out, messed up clothes and hair. The lights flickered a bit, letting me get a look at them more. Whoever they were, had a ripped tank top with shorts on, messed up hair so bad, you thought they never brushed it, and they were panting heavily. "I-I'm gonna more time...before I get my husband and e-everyone else on you..." I said, shaking a bit. "W-Who are you...?" "V-Val...." She said. The lights turned on and stayed on. I walked closer, touching her lightly. She flinched at my touches, jumping. "Val....are you ok??" She shook her head, holding her stomach. "What's wrong then.....??" She shrugged, walking back into the stall. She shut the door, it lightly bouncing back. I followed her into the stall. " look terrible..." 

"i-i feel terrible...." "Figured...." I said, sitting next to her and rubbing her back. She clenched onto the toilet, gagging and wheezing. I felt bad for her, I wanted to help but she never told me what's wrong. "Are you sure you're ok??" "I don't stomaches been acting up....cravings....moody....and just plain...ugh..." She said, looking at me. I stood up and brushed myself off. "I'm gonna go and get Element....he might be able to help." "N-Nonono!!! He's with Axel because he hasn't been feeling well too. I might've just got what he has..." She said, quickly turning towards me. I sighed and started thinking. 'Stomach hurts.........Cravings.......Moody....' My eyes widened as I looked at her. "Hang tight, I'll be right back!!" She only made a sound as I darted out of the bathrooms, rushing over to Toy Chica and Bonnie. "Guys, guys!! I need something." Toy Chica looked at me a bit confused. "What do you need.....??" I leaned closer, looking around us, and whispered. "do you have any pregnancy tests??" 

Toy Chica was about to flip out before I covered her mouth. "SHHHH!!! This isn't for me, but stay quiet. I need you to follow me...." I said, pulling her to the bathroom with me. She followed, smiling to herself. I walked into the bathroom and over to the stall with Val in it. I gently tapped her on her shoulder, she looked tired. I handed her the pregnancy test. " might or might not have the flu. This could help...." I said, walking out of the stall and out of the bathroom.

Vals POV

Once Mangle left the bathroom stall, I stared at the pregnancy test, thinking. 'I-I'm gonna be fucked....' I locked the bathroom stall, only praying that it wasn't true. I sighed a bit and pulled down my pants, only bracing myself. After I was finished, I set the test down and started freaking out. 'Gotta wait 2 minutes.....' I said, holding my head. I was panicking and wishing that I was just really sick. Once the 2 minutes were up, I grabbed the test and took a deep breath. I held it up to my face, and read it. "i-i'm pregnant....." I said, quietly. I unlocked the door and walked to Toy Chica and Mangle who were talking among themselves. They looked at me. "Well, what is it??" I smiled, flipped the test around and waited for their reaction. Their jaws dropped as they looked at me. They both hugged me, screaming out in joy. "Yaaaaayyy!!!!!" Then I heard footsteps outside the bathrooms. Then Foxy and Element burst into the bathroom asking a million questions per second. Once they stop asking questions, Mangle told them to sit down as she told them the news. Once she told them foxy jumped up and hugged me, and I tried not to barf on him. Then Element looked at me with delight. I smiled a bit before I ran into the stall and barfed my brains out. 'What's wrong with me.... I never felt like this when I was pregnant with Axel..... Then what is happening?' As I wipe my mouth, I looked at Element with concern. He noticed my face and asked everyone to leave the bathroom so he can talk to me. Once everyone left, element asked me if I was ok. "I-I don't know... " I confessed. "I never felt like this when I was pregnant with Axel.... But why now? And at all places why here?" I questioned as my mind was swarming with pain and suffering. I put my head near the toilet bowl ready to barf, but none came out. "I just don't know what time do... " I wheezed. I barfed up another storm in the bowl, as element patted my back, "I really don't know what's happening Val.... But based on what Bonnie told me... It's probably not good." He said. I looked at him. "What you do you mean?"

"Well everyone here, except for me you and Axel, had a terrible past like seven years ago with this animatronic named Ennard. And somehow he's back... Well said Bonnie, but I don't believe him." I looked at him again but in a terrifying expression. Then I looked at my belly and hoped that Ennard doesn't threaten anyone cause of my pregnancy. Then Element hugged me and said in my ear "I hope this child grows up beautiful like you." And that was enough to make me smile a bit. I thanked him and went back to barfing. After I finished, I leaned back and lifted my head up, looking at my husband, smiling just a bit. I sighed and prepared for the worst.

-In a run-down house-

"Well, looks like you reunited with your sister, foxy well done, now it's time to reunite with the family I made." Ennard said, as puts a nightmare foxy head on his table. "Now it's time for the next phase, nightmare Freddy, get the sister and bring her back alive. She has a little gift for me." Then nightmare Freddy disappeared into the darkness. "Don't worry Val, I'm not going to hurt you....." He chuckled darkly. "I just want your unborn child...."

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