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Its been a week since we got here. Almost all of us are getting well with each other and I do quite feel like I'm already part of the family. However, I still do need to adjust seeing to it that my culture is far different from theirs.

A week in, I'm already close with Diana. So far, she's the one I feel the most connection with. I hope she feels the same. Aside from her, I also became close with Ate Mae as she has the same level of energy that I have. Kiara has been amazingly sweet and I appreciate that about her. That's probably why she has been catching steady stares from Gino all week when they're apart or not talking. I also feel that Kuya has been really keeping an eye on me. Comparing myself with the other housemates, I have the most frequent number of visits to the confession room just for Kuya to see if I find myself comfortable or not. Aside from that He has also tasked me to practice Filipino in order to connect better with the housemates and of course, have my Filipino traits practiced for me to further feel like I am truly a Pinoy.

The task this week is energy depleting. I think the tagalog word is "nakakapagod" because I'd often hear that from them. We were task to sleep for only 8000 seconds for the whole week. As much as I want to complain in front of kuya of how unhealthy this is, I couldn't just, especially during the first week of our stay in here.

Everyone, although are in disagreement to oblige to the task, were forced to because we wanted this and this comes with the price. Some of us were doing fine especially Wealand seeing he's a gamer outside of the house. Housemates like Sky and Gino we're used to it. This is probably due to the fact that they had busy schedules and gruelling practice outside considering the intensity of studying and working they both experienced before they entered. Kuya Banjo also had it fine and the rest of the girls did as well. Diana was doing fine in reserving her energy like how she usually does, but I couldn't.

There were several moments that I found myself dozing off. For one was when I was just sitting next to Diana surrounded by all the other housemates and she laid her head on my shoulder. She was clearly tired so I allowed her to do so and also for the fact that I liked how it felt. But as I got comfortable with the feeling, I found myself dozing off admist the noise that was surrounding us. I'd only sleep for seconds as they would see the clock moving and would instantly wake me up. I also found myself dozing off when the lights were turned off. It was such a tempting mood, even Kuya Banjo fell for the trap. Luckily there came Argel who gave his tricks in staying awake.

I do quite feel their stares because of my frequent naps and I'm already feeling uncomfortable. It was just Diana who was keeping my spirits high.

I don't know. Just seeing her encourages me. When we converse and have small laughs, those things just make me feel better. However, when she's away, I also feel like I want to drool myself to sleep. I think I need her.

I was so tired and it even came to the point that I cried myself to Kuya Banjo and Wealand due to the fatigue I was experiencing. I figured that they pitied me already because they knew that I was not used to this type of fatigue. Thankfully, the two men helped me get through it and we proceeded to learning tagalog words.

By the end of the day, I got to perform the themesong with Wealand and Kuya Banjo and we managed to succeed for the price. The price was to watch a scary movie. I wasn't really fond of those but I just wanted to sit next to Diana so we could both be scared, hug and just hold our hands.

The movie was really scary. I found myself screaming a lot which Diana seemed to enjoy. She would often stare at me and I would just catch those stares because I also want to look at her. During the movie, we were pranked by Kuya Banjo and Wealand. As much as I was scared, I took the chance to scream and hug Diana, which she reciprocated.

It was a series of little interactions between Diana and I but it was already feeling enough. I really do feel comfortable with her and I want this feeling to last.

During our quantified hours of sleep at night, I would just hug and look at her while  she was asleep. It was calming to see her at peace. I knew she was tired but I see her as the type of person who's really determined that she hides all the external factors that may bring her down- in this case, its her fatigue.

She's very pretty and has an amazingly beautiful attitude. I don't know what I would feel yet but this I know for sure, I want this to continue.


The following days of the week, the boys pranked us in order to stay awake. The week continued and we were all extremely tired until the end but it was all worth it since we won the weekly task. We celebrated for we knew we would be having meat the next week. Everyone of us hugged but the hug that gave me feels was with Diana. I think its the tagalog word "kilig" that best describes what I felt.

The night of Saturday came and Toni announced who the nominees were. My heart was pounding because I thought I would be part of the nominees seeing how many times I dozed off. Diana held my hand tightly and I could feel that she was nervous as well. Her hand fits in mine like its made just for me. I looked at our hands and they were "bagay" or felt like a match. I couldn't help but smile and I could also see in my peripherals that she was smiling as well.

Oh Christ. Those eyes, chico. Whenever they squint when she smiles, I just feel like I want to explode with confettis and notes that say "you are so pretty," "I admire you," or "I want to look at you all day." Due to her smile I forgot that we were in the middle of the announcement. It was already the third name when I found myself aware of the surroundings because I was onced again trapped in the world of Diana.

I was surprised I wasn't called. I was expecting that I'd be named but thank God I wasn't. I was so scared to be nominated because that would mean that I might leave the house early and not have enough time with Diana and didn't want that.

"Oh thank God," I said.

I hugged Diana tight as we were both relieved with the results and I instantly became happy because that would mean more interactions with her.


Author's note:

Hello tiis-tiis lang for the first few chapters because all of them will include the start of Frankiana so medyo matumal pa. Have you seen their latest task??? Seeing Diana and Franki hold hands while their hugging and screaming is such a joy to watch nakakakilig!!!! I hope they feature more of their interactions. Also don't forget to vote for them!!! They deserve to be in the Big Four.

Text BB Diana and BB Franki to 2366
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