#4 part 2

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-Your highness, the Regal Majesty, your beloved father, is calling for your presence.

     Both of them turned around and Jimin gulped, knowing his father, Jimin won't be able to talk with Min Yoongi ever again.

-My apologies, Prince Min Yoongi. We May not be able to talk ever again but if we will have a chance, it would be the heaven's choice.

-You are going to get married and havw a beautiful family, don't worry about my existence which is just a impede towards your marriage. I assume your father won't allow this.

     Jimin just nodded sadly and shook the older's hand in a respectful way, the older pressing a soft kiss on the younger's small and and showing a fainted smile.

-I wish you the best, Park Jimin.

-Thank you. I wish you the best too, good luck on finding your given one and God May bless you too.

     And with that, Jimin leaded to the big building, entering it with a fake smile, Yoongi following him. He Felt like something stopped in his throat, he couldn't say the same to him, he wanted to be the given one.

-My beautiful son, what took you so long? His father said when Jimin sat down again.

-I apologize, I was talking about something important with Prince Min Yoongi. Jimin slowly bowed to his father.

-I am slightly dissapointed but we will need to continue this meeting tommorow. Is that alright to you, son? His father asked.

     Min Yoongi was talking with a beautiful young lady who was black long hair, beautiful pale skin, a little bit tanned, pink pale lips and she was pretty skinny. He was holding her hands with a small smile on his face which only made Jimin's heart flutter. He was bisexual after all and he was allowed to talk with whoever he wanted.

-It's fine, father. Whatever you choose it's my choice aswell.

     His mother just styled his hair with a smile on her face and the three of them stood up, the room going silent.

-We want to announce that the time wasn't on our side today and we lost the track of time. We will have a meeting saturday morning and continue what we lost. Have a good day, everybody. God May bless you and take care of you on your trips.

     The knighthoods stood at the enterance and thanked everybody for coming while the Royal Family just went in their own ways, finishing the work they needed to do that morning.

-Prince Min Yoongi. His father's voice was heard.

-I am here, your highness.

     Yoongi was spotted behind some girls, hurrying and coming infront of the King and bowing.

-Follow me somewhere where we can talk about your father's business.

-As you wish, your Majesty.

     Jimin understood that Everyone should be respectul to Everyone, calling them by them ranks and bowing, but never to someone that was lower than your level, that would be a shame to yourself and even that person.

    Jimin followed with his eyes the two males who dissapeared in a long hall and sighed, leading to his own room. He layed down on his King sized bed, closing his eyes and letting the warm sunshine lay on his face, slowly attacking his eyes.

-Son? His mother's voice was heard.

-Yes, mother? He said standing up.

-I am here to talk about today's actions.

     Jimin nodded and sat on his bed, looking at his lap. His mother sat next to him, patting his back, staying silent for a while.

-Do you have something to tell me and your father? She finally said with a small smile on her face.

-What are you talking about, mother?

-I've never seen you looking at someone the way you looked today at Prince Min Yoongi. We know you had a girlfriend before and we know what issues you had in your relationship, but we want to know what happened today. We also heard your wish about the Prince.

     Jimin's eyes widened, his stomach being empty in just a second, tears forming in his eyes. He needed to take this off his chest, didn't he?

-Mother, I think I like boys too.

     His mother's reaction wasn't the one he was expecting. She looked at him with a smile and nodded, caressing his cheek.

-I accept you the way you are and if you will ever marry Prince Yoongi, you will have my allowance. You are my son and I should support you and accept you the way God made you.

-Thank you, mother.

-But you still need to talk with your father, he will be here in some minutes aswell, he wants to hear everything about today and he wants to tell you about a Princess he thinks It's perfect for you.

-But I don't want to marry a girl he wants me to.

-Then who are you willing to marry, son? His father's voice was heard.

     Both heads were turned towards the direction from where the voice was heard, Jimin wearing a terrified expression.

-It will be fine, son. His mother whispered.


-Yes, son?

      He never heard his father call him by his name and that would sometimes annoy him but he just shook it off.

-I need to confess something.

-Your mother should hear too? His father said sitting on a chair.

     Jimin just slowly nodded and looked ar his hands then at his father again.

-I like both genders.

-You what? His father said a little too loud.

-I-I..like girls and b-boys.

     His father was always the scariest, the meanest and the most serious from them all. He gained the most respect from all the Royal Families. He was a feared man.

-I should alarm you, son, that I'm not willing to accept this kind of people in my family.

     That was harsh, that made Jimin tear up and his mother frown.

-He is your own son! How can you say that towards him? God gave him the way he is and you should accept him!

-It's all your fault, woman. You born him this way.

      She opened her eyes to say something but she only looked away, hot tears rolling down her cheeks.


      He heard his name. It was his mother.

-Go and get that Prince.

     He looked at her while his father stood up to reject but Jimin passed him by, running for his life.

     He ran in the whole house, he was tired and panting, tears rollin down his cheeks a alarmed expression being written all over his face. He went outside seeing a white figure walking and he smiled.

-Min Yoongi! He yelled.

     The boy turned around confused while Jimin just waved at him and told him to come to him.

-This is my number, er, and you can, uh, call me and things.

-Why were you crying? Yoongi said confused wiping Jimin's tears.

-I'll tell you, later, if you don't mind.

-I'll call you, Park Jimin, when I will arrive home. He said with a smile.

-Oh, okay, That's perfect. He said kissing the older's cheek.

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