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      Eyes closed, beeping filling both of his ears, everything is black

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      Eyes closed, beeping filling both of his ears, everything is black. He tries to open his eyes only to see blur and red, trying to scream but only filling his mouth with water, he was trying to get out but he couldn't. Everything hurted.

      And then he stopped, the last water drop hitting the white once clean floor.


     Last breath.

      The door opened and he froze there, looking at the dead body in the bathtube. Did he.. finally die?

      He let his hand down and stepped in the red colored water on the floor, getting a water sound. He was so afraid of the following scene. He gulped and got closer to the body, trying to touch it.

–Baby! Babe! Wake up! Please! You're strong!

      He looked around and saw someone getting his body out the water. He felt like he couldn't breathe anymore. Was he even breathing?

–I'm here, baby, please.. don't leave me..

      The boy fell on his knees infront of his body and the person holding it and tried to touch his boyfriend's cheek, only to get it hand go trough him.


     He couldn't hear him. Big tears were rolling down his cheeks as he hugged the small body in his arms, getting blood all over his clothes.

–It's going to be okay, Yoonie..

      More people entered and took his body, placing it on a stretcher, trying to wake him up. He let out a mouth full of water and then everything went blur.


           Elizabeth touched his cheek, trying to see if it's working and then let her hand down with an dissapointed expression written on her face. He will never be able to contact her anymore, right? And all because of him. He didn't helped her enough.

            He didn't h̶e̶l̶p̶e̶d̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶e̶n̶o̶u̶g̶h̶.

           He didn't|


      Yoongi pressed his back better on his chair and cracked his neck and fingers, watching the white page infront of him to get filled. He let his fingers rest on his laptop's buttons and tilted his head to a side.

     He sighed and got up, leading to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.

     His apartment wasn't the way it was before. Everything was dark and messy, old garbage sitting on his floor for months already. He was paler than before, dark circles under his eyes, his lips got pale too. He is skinnier, his door is locked now.

     His boyfriend made everything better. He used to open the courtains to let the sunshine get in, he used to cook and help Yoongi with everything.

     Yoongi wasn't even entering his bathroom anymore. It wasn't safe for his feelings.

     So he made a room in a bathroom. That bathroom didn't have bad memories.

     He took his coffee cup and came back, letting his tired body fall back on his comfortable chair and closed his eyes.

    He was so tired.


    Loud sobs were coming from the corner of his room.

    He quickly opened his eyes confused, knowing that no one could come in and froze.

      He watched the small boy take a big mouth full of air, sitting on the dirty floor with hands on his knees.

      Yoongi felt like the blood from his veins just froze, his heart stopped and his stomach clenched. He was frowning.


      The boy lifted his head and quickly stood up coming to Yoongi.

–Ar..Are you seeing me? How?

      He hugged him but that only made him ho trough him. That wasn't working.

–Yoonie-hyung! I want to hug you! He started sobbing more.

       Yoongi gulped, his eyes widened, he just took some steps back.

–What the fuck?

      That's everything he let out and ran out of his apartment, not even locking the door. He ran up to his neighbour and best friend. He knocked some times only to be met with a surprised face.

–NamJoon, I.. I need your help.

      That's how he ended up in his room, sitting on his couch with a warm cup of tea, kids screams filling his ears and Jin trying to make them shut up in the other room.

–You know, Yoongi.. some ghosts aren't bad. There are.. I believe there are good ghosts too.

–Are you fucking kidding me? I almost shit my pants! That.. Ghosts aren't good, NamJoon. Maybe he's Mad at me for not saving him!Maybe God is mad at me for writing that scene with Elizabeth and..

–This isn't about your book, hyung. That book is telling your and his story. It's a good and private book. Just go back. Maybe it's all in your head.

–I swear, NamJoon, he was there.. he..

–Please, hyung.. get some rest.

      Yoongi pressed his lips together and nodded weakly. Maybe everything was in his head because of the tiredness. After he said goodbye to his best friends, his husband and his kids, Yoongi just went back down to his apartment and opened it, letting a sigh out.

     Widened eyes again.

       The courtains were opened, everything was clean and a small body was sitting on his couch with a cup between his hands, looking out the window.

      Yoongi closed the door, getting his attention.

     He wanted to cry.

    That was his dead boyfriend, sitting infront of him, in his apartment, after he commited suicide in his bathroom and Yoongi couldn't help. He couldn't help him enough.

–I can feel the Tea! I.. How is this happening?

     How can you answer? Yoongi fell on his knees and started crying. Hard. He kept everything in him for so long and now it was the time yo let everything out.

–Yoonie! Why are you crying?

    The boy was infront of him, with his face in his hands, looking right in his eyes with his head cutely tilted to a side.

–I'm so sorry, Jimin.. I couldn't.. I..

–It's not your fault, Yoonie-hyung.. I wanted that to happen..

–And you never thought that you'd leave me alone? Look how misarable my life is now! I fucking loved you for God's sake!

    Jimin opened his mouth to say something and then saw the light slowly dissapearing. He smiled softly and caressed Yoongi's cheek.

–We ran out of time.

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