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The tiny round rain drops hit the coffee shop's window sharply as Jimin watched them quickly run down the window or even merge with each other. He had his pen lifting his upper lip as his eyes followed the small interaction of the drops with so much passion. He was looking at them while his mind was going through not so pleasant places that he always hated.

He took a deep breath, straightening up and blinking twice as he looked around him, getting out of his doze off. Everything was normal, everyone was eating and talking, sharing memories and interactions. He looked embarassed back to his notebook, his cheeks gaining a pink soft tint, acting like someone could have seen him zoning out.

He was used to zone out but he wasn't familiar with doing it infront of the others. Of course he zoned out while talking with people before but this time, it made him embarassed that someone could have witnessed that.

He sighed as he kept reading and reading the same sentence over and over again but the letters kept floating around his head as his mind wasn't really there with him. He moved his palm from his chin to the table, tapping lightly on the hard wood with his fingertips. His mouth was slightly opened, his croocked tooth showing slightly as he started nibbling on his lower lip.

His eyelids started falling and he cursed himself for studying until late, in the night, for the following exam. He was in his own world now, thinking about anything that came in his mind.

–Is this seat taken?

Jimin opened his eyes lifting his gaze to the male that was waiting for an answer. Seeing his eyebags, you could have notice that he was having a hard day. And yet, his pale skin was breathtaking, pink in the darker spots. Jimin scanned his face, still silent as the older male was looking somewhere away. Was he also looking at the raindrops? He suddenly turns and Jimin feels his cheeks heating up as he widened his eyes. He sighed looking at the floor, making some rebel mint locks cover his dark chocolateish eyes.

–It's fine, I can just sit anywhe..

–It's not taken. Jimin cuts him off, even though he thinks it was rude. You can sit. Jimin flashes a small smile.

The male raised his eyebrow but didn't question anything, soon returning the smile. His smile was really beautiful, he was showing his gums and it made him seem more approachable.

Jimin lowered his head, trying not to stare again. The male sat infront of him, placing his cup next to Jimin's endless ones. He was here for half an hour and yet he drank some tea and mostly coffee. The male looked at the empty cups but then looked back at his backpack, getting out a black simple notebook and a pen. Jimin tried not to look at him that much since it was rude and he didn't wanted to be criticized or even asked about it — no, he really wouldn't want that to happen, it would be too akward and embarassing.

He placed his cheek in his palm, squishing his cheek slightly as he looked down at the book, waiting for something to enter his mind. He felt a pair of eyes looking at him, sending shivers down his spine. He lifted his gaze a little, looking at the other infront of him scanning him while playing with his pen, rotating it with his fingers.

And for a second, everything stops when they lock eyes. His mind is empty, he isn't worrying about how to get back home in rain or about his exam and he isn't even worrying about his actual english homework that he has to do for tommorow. They lock eyes, and he feels like everything around them stops and it's only them. The male looks back down at his empty page and that's when Jimin widened his eyes, blushing harder as he slaps lightly his cheek. He was so stupid, the boy may think he is a weirdo.

–Are you okay?


He looks back at him noticing the concerned look on his face. As an answer, the man only points at his cheek where he slapped himself.

–Oh, yeah, that was.. it's fine. I'm sorry.

He looks back down, playing with his fingers. How come he could talk infront of thousands of people at school but couldn't get a right sentence infront of a handsome man? A very handsome man.

He felt so stupid now. He just wanted the earth to swallow him, just dissapear.

He hears a chuckle so he looks back at him.


Jimin feels like his cheeks won't stop heating up.


–You're so cute.

Now, Jimin didn't expect him to repeat. He didn't knew how to answer but thankfully he didn't leave him time to answer.

–What's your name?

He leaned back on his chair, slowly swinging himself with one leg. He didn't even care that people would look at him or he'd get scolded by the owner.

–Jimin. Park Jimin.

–Well, Park Jimin, I will use you as inspiration for writing. Is that bothering you? He asks with one eyebrow cocked up.

Jimin widened his eyes, his mouth automatically opening in surprise. Him? As inspiration?

–Oh.. N-no.

–I'm glad.

He looked at him and it made Jimin want to dissapear again. He gulped looking down at his book then back at him. A frown is covering his face.

–It's not fair.

–What's nor fair? The man tilts his head to a side cutely.

That made Jimin's heart do something.

–You haven't told me your name. I told you mine.

–Yoongi. he smiles. Min Yoongi.

After some time when Jimin started finally reading, he could hear some scribbling so he looked at his notebook. What was he writing? Did he notice something interesting? He lifted his chin trying to see what it was saying but the man covered the page with his hand, making Jimin notice his big, veiny, pale hands.

–No. He shakes his head.

–Why not? Jimin pouts. It's inspired after me after all.

–That's exactly why I won't show you. Yoongi shrugs.

–That's so mean! Jimin frowns crossing his arms.

Yoongi giggled at his cuteness, moving his hand a little by accident so Jimin could notice a messy writing saying 'pretty'.

Jimin smiled, covering his face a little so the blushing won't be seen as he looked back at his book, trying not to let him know that he saw it.

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