BR #[ 1 ]

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The blue sky is clear as the sun radiates its warmth to the whole city. Seoul City which everyone's dream destination suddenly went quiet.

The busy street that used to be so noisy, with cars on the street as citizens walk through the sidewalk, now, none of them showed up. Everything is suspiciously quiet. No children playing in the park, no couples eating in a café, no people visiting Han River.

Myoui Mina, a 22-year old rich girl who is currently residing near the city. An expert in the field of martial arts and knows how to deal with weapons such as guns, knives, and other things involved in the fighting field. You could say this woman is scary.

She finds herself waking up as the sun starts to illuminate her room, rubbing her eyes, she squints to be able to see a much more clear view of her room.

Shocked to see the bloodstain on her door which is slightly open, she immediately opens her drawer where she secretly hides her gun.

Her body trembles in shock and pain as she sees her mother, who she loves the most, lying on the floor, surrounded by a pool of blood. She covers her mouth as she tries to fight the tears, taking notice of the flesh-eating creature beside her.

She immediately shots it thrice, not even hesitating as she watches the zombie fall on the cold hard ground with the blood of her mother dripping in its mouth.

She wipes her tears as she carefully maneuvers her way to their living room, observing the lightly opened door and the scattered pillows, like it indicated that her mother tried to fight for her life but failed to so.

She shakes her head as she immediately closes the door, locking it with all her might as she covers every window with the curtain, making it secured as everything darkens due to the lack of light.

She quickly turns the power off, shaking her head as she cracks her knuckles. She knows removing all gadgets would make the probability of her survival grow.

She grabs her phone and turns it into silent mode as she grabs a lamp to have a source of light when the night comes. She then pushes every furniture in the living room to the side to avoid making noise that will attract the zombies outside.

She removes their television, placing it in their basement even though she will miss watching all her favorite shows. After making everything secure, she walks to the set of stairs, walking down the corridor towards her room.

She walks towards her room, opening the blinds slightly to look at her environment and she was right, dozens of flesh-eating creatures are roaming outside with their broken body, some missing their hand while the others still had their body intact.

Blood was everywhere, she feels a little safer knowing that their house has a gate but nothing is safer when the devil himself is just roaming around the streets.

The zombie she had killed had already been disposed of alongside the body of her mother but not before taking its blood. She knew she will have to use the blood shortly.

She then lays in her bed as she stares at the ceiling. Thinking, where could her father be? Was he alive? Dead? She doesn't know the answer but she's willing to find out.

She heaves a deep sigh as she tries to sleep it off.


Luckily, they always have stored food in their refrigerator so she wouldn't be worried about the food she will eat for the whole month.

A question has been stuck with her mind for a while, will she be able to survive on her own?

She could say yes and just stay inside the house until rescuers will visit the area but she knew that there will be no help if she won't do anything.

A thought then suddenly strikes her, what if she isn't the only survivor? What if there's more?

She then decides to try and search for survivors that will need her help, even if she's sacrificing herself. It doesn't matter to her if she died because she rescued the survivors.

Her parents taught her to help people and not ask for something in return. Her parents taught her to stay brave no matter how hard the situation is, to stay motivated.

Her father taught her to help people with their needs and not ask for something in return, to be the good woman her father wished her to be. Today, she will prove to him that she is the good woman he perceives her to be.

Mina couldn't wipe the smile as she remembers the memories they shared, especially her father. You could say she is a Daddy's daughter.

She reminisces the memories such as when they went fishing. When Mina learned how to hold the gun properly. When Mina first achieved her gold medal.

She missed her father, the one who taught her kindness and bravery. The one who helped her how to handle weapons properly.

The one who helped her to become the woman she is today. Her mentor. Her savior. Her role-model. Her inspiration.

But where could he be? Is he alive though? Is he worried about her little girl though? For all, she knows he already died like how her mother was rudely eaten by the flesh-eating creature; zombie.

But he could also be surviving together with someone. Which one is right, she will find him.

Even though, it's hard to find someone in a city that's infected with a disease she doesn't know where it came from, where hundreds of zombies that she will meet in the quiet streets.

Her mother is already dead and this is the only choice she had.

She will save her father and help other survivors to escape this hellhole and find out why is the whole city affected.

For better or for worst.


🧟 this is edited ✔

This book is fictional. Any Characters, unintentional events, and behavior are purely fictitious. This plot is made by me and did not copy it from somebody else. Grammatical errors and incorrect spellings are expected.

[ IncrediblyLovely ]

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