BR #[ 2 ]

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Mina starts to prepare everything she needs to be able to go outside.

She prepared a gun, of course, and a pack of bullets just in case she runs out of those. She also prepared extra weapons such as a pocket knife, snacks if she can't come back when the evening falls. Also, the first aid kit just in case she will meet an injured survivor on the way.

Of course, a blood bag that contains the blood from the zombie, during the days when the city wasn't infected, she loves to read articles and she stumbled upon a way to distract the zombie, and, that is to pour or smear the blood in her clothes and face.

It may be disgusting but it is the only way to save herself from being eaten. Reaching a flashlight from a cabinet, a noise distracted Mina that made her stop her movements.

She stood still, careful not to create a noise, waiting for the sound but when she heard nothing, she proceeds to do her thing.

She places everything she prepared in her small bag as she opens the blood bag lightly, putting her finger into the hole as her face scrunches in disgust.

"Oh well, here goes nothing, " She mumbles as she smears the blood in her face and clothes, gagging, as the smell of the filthy blood enters her nostrils.

Even if she wanted to sit in her bathtub for hours to remove the stench smell, she endured It, wanting to vomit.

She has to do it or else who will save Seoul?


She then quietly observes the surroundings as she closes the door and makes sure it is locked before acting like a zombie. She knows she's quite hilarious acting like a weirdo but there's no choice.

She then went out of the gate quietly while the other zombies were gathered a little. She then walks quietly and successfully passed the group of zombies without making a noise, of course.

It would have been a tragic experience if she did. She scans the whole road like she is memorizing the way. It's peaceful yet so gross with body parts scattered. Flies flying everywhere. Stinky odor. Destroyed cars.

Myoui Mina knows that a single mistake can attract zombies, but for now, since she has the blood from the zombie she's still safe. Unless it will rain then, she's in bad luck.

She keeps on walking and walking until she heard a scream, making sure she heard it right, she listens to it again. Turns out her ear wasn't playing, and it's true, someone is calling for help.

So, she observes her environment and makes sure there's no zombie in the place before going to where the scream was coming.

"HELP!! "


Mina immediately walks towards where the scream was coming from. She then looks at the owner of the voice, seeing a woman that looks in her mid-twenties with blonde locks, with a wound on her right shoulder, stuck in a place where she couldn't figure out what.

She then discreetly but quickly help the woman. "Thank you, " The woman mumbles as Mina helps her stand up.

"No problem. May I know what's your name? " Mina asks as she wipes the dust in her clothes.

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