#14 Eunica Buoena

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"Everything will be fine and as sooner will fall to its place."

But do you know what makes this lie beautiful?

It is when people tell you this whole-heartedly, with all their

strength, with their constant fear that one day their philosophies would

end up to nothing, this what makes this lie good to

other people - the courage of giving someone some strength

to hold on and keep going, without hesitation.

Everyone tells lie with all their heart to someone,

and that's what makes this lie beautiful, it's all about everyone if

they would listen to this lie and hold onto it until

they could make it possibly truth."I feel much sadness as day passes by,

by awakening and feel nothing more except for desolation, as though I was destined

to feel such. I don't have the foggiest idea where spot should I go,

as I went to each place where I don't belong.

I was going to understand that wandering never makes me lost,

but finding my motivation was,

and now I need to discover where I belong and

keep my feet on the ground, and fill myself again,

because for me ,

it's the only thing that is worth spending time for,

than awakening, die and feel nothing,

it kills me a little bit more.

though I am a little bit lucky lol.

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