Chapter Four: Parties and Searches.

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Plushtrap's Profile:

  I ran around decorating the room with different colored glowsticks, some bent in different shapes to create flowers, streamers, and any other thing I can think of! We even made a cake out of glowsticks!

  Humming my mommy's song from the music box, I began to dance around playing. A couple of times, one of my friends entered the room! They would be shocked of the room, then they would smile, pat my head then leave.

  I then realized that the monitor was at 20%! But Jeremy seemed like he had a plan of some sort. He pulled out ...something.

  " YOU BROUGHT A LASER GUN??!?" Mike exclaimed loudly.

  " Yes. Now, WHO WANTS TO PLAY?!" Jeremy asked me.

  " ME! ME!" I yelled, reaching for a laser gun and ...vest? I didn't know everything yet.

  Soon me and Jeremy were running around the room playing Laser Tag while Mike watched silently. Keeping an eye on my mommy and on the others.

  It then turned 6 and I gave back my vest and laser gun. " BYE!" I yelled, smiling.

  They both waved goodbye and then left.

  " MOMMA!" I yelled, running to Mommy. " MOMMY! Come and look at the office! We were throwing a party and we played Laser Tag!"

  I then took Mommy's hand and took her off to the officer. " Look at my little party thrower." Mommy said, picking me up and hugging me tight.

  I giggled and grinned up at her, showing my big wide teeth. She smiled back at me before taking me back to Parts and Service where Goldy would babysit me for the day while Mommy worked.

  " Bye Momma." I yawned tiredly.

  " Bye my little Plushy." She returned, nuzzling me head before handing me to a waiting Goldy.

  I feel fast asleep, this was the best days of my life!

Nightmare Freddy's Profile:

  I yawned tiredly under the child's bed. My three little Freddles nuzzled into my fur, asleep. Everyone searching around for Plushtrap just seemed like a waste of time. It was ridiculous!

  The Freddles, who I view as my own children, were all bored out of their minds since no one could attack the child until Plushtrap was found! And having three children, who act like super active toddlers a lot of the time, being bored, was like a nightmare. No pun intended.

  Placing a paw over my Freddles, I sighed. Plushtrap's father was known to get revenge on those who crossed him. And me, the other Nightmares, and my Freddles kind of did so, but Plushtrap wasn't one of us!

  He didn't belong here! All what we had to hope was that he didn't come.

  My oldest 'son' who was the oldest, Fred, then woke up and nuzzled my head. I smiled, my younger 'son' who was the youngest, Fiddlestick, also then woke up and joined beside his older brother. All while their sister, Faye, slept soundly.

  " Ay! Nightmare Freddy!" I looked out from under the bed to see Nightmare Foxy.

  " What is it?" I asked, looking down at my Freddles.

  " Plushtrap be gone for good. He ran out a window in his hall." Nightmare Foxy explained to me.

  " Well isn't that a relief." I said with a chuckle, my two sons chuckling as well.

  " Is that be Freddy Jr and Fiddlesticks?" Nightmare Foxy then asked me.

  " Yes, but Freddy Jr goes by Fred now." I said to the Pirate Fox Nightmare.

  " Ay." Nightmare Foxy nodded.

  I then crawled back under the bed and curled up, letting my Freddles get some more sleep.

Nightmare Fredbear's Profile:

  I looked around and then ran out the door. I HAD to find Plushtrap...Before it was too late. Before I lost him forever!

  What if he got hurt?! Plushy didn't know how to sew! He could be laying in an alley or taken home by a child!

  No matter what, I would find Plushtrap.

  Soon I saw two men laughing as they exited a building, I saw the building, and read the sign. My eyes widened. Was Plushtrap in THERE?

  Quickly running out, I ran using the shadows into the building. It was a bit bright for me but I managed. 

Soon I spotted Plushy, right in the arms of Golden Freddy with Marionette right next to him. They both turned and saw me.

  And by the looks on their faces....I was doomed. 

Stay Cool guys and Peace Out! -JanjaFan 😎✌

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