Chapter Six: Bonding and A Mystery

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Nightmare Chica's Profile:

  Sitting in the kitchen, I watched as the other Nightmare came in and stood/sat around the room.

  Today, was the meeting day. We were all super bored since none of us have been able to kill the child yet. Said child used to always cry and be frightened of everything, but one day we all heard a weird noise. Now the child-still sometimes sad-has permanent tear marks on him and while he still is afraid of us, seems emotionless to everything.

  We don't really care why, I do remember Plushtrap did go easy on him during his game during the first week of this change though. All of us stayed the same though.

  Even now, the child is a bit of mystery to us. We loom in the shadows during the day yet never see the child even though we did before the strange sound. It is baffling, yet we didn't care enough to figure out why. Why should we?

  Not our problem.

  Anyhow, we were all pretty much chilling until Nightmare walked in. We all then sat up or moved to a position where you could tell we were paying attention.

  Nightmare stood at the head of the kitchen table where we were all in eyesight of him; then he began talking. " As you know, Plushtrap has disappeared."

  We all nodded, wondering where this was going.

  " Well, now so has Nightmare Fredbear. However, since I was watching over the sap, I've discovered that both he and Plushtrap have left the house." Nightmare said calmly yet there was a cold fury in his eyes.

  " Left the house?!?" Nightmare Bonnie exclaimed, " Why would they ever do that?!"

  " It seems Plushtrap has run away, and Fredbear followed him. But this isn't our biggest concern. " Nightmare continued, taking in our confused and nervous looks, " Our biggest concern is the fact that a...certain...animatronic is on the loose again. And from what I have gathered, it isn't who it was before."

  " That man?" Cupcake asked in a raspy-rarely used-voice.

  Nightmare gave a sharp nod. " We need a plan. Not only for what to do with us down a Nightmare, and that insufferable child, but also in light of recent events. Now. Any ideas?"

  A long silence fell over the room.

Golden Freddy's Profile:

  I hugged Plushtrap close to me as I watched my Nightmare counterpart suspiciously. I couldn't bring myself to let my guard down around him; he was much too dangerous to not be taken seriously.

  The day had just begun but it already was feeling like an eternity. I couldn't stand this animatronic; he caused so much harm to an innocent child. Him and his associates.

  Fredbear finally sighed and then spoke quietly, " I do not mean any harm...not to anyone here or to Plushtrap."

  " Hard to believe with your track record." I said with no emotion back, only moving a sleeping Plushtrap closer in my arms.

  Fredbear sighed, " ...I understand that my...reputation can be damaging. But I would like to make it clear that I have never actively or intentionally brought or am planning to bring Plushtrap harm. I took it very seriously to protect him."

  I was a bit baffled at the sentiment. " To protect Plushtrap?"

  Fredbear nodded, " We were told to take care of him by...his father. He came to the Nightmare house to have us protect him. Something bad had happened...but he didn't tell us what. We found out later."

  I nodded, having a good idea at what 'bad thing' had occurred.

  " However...I have brought Plushtrap unintentional harm in trying to protect him. The other Nightmares never liked him as he was different...and me being associated with him could've brought pain to him." Fredbear continued glumly.

  " So you protected yourself?" I accused glaring.

  " No! The other Nightmares wouldn't have harmed me...I was one of them. But Plushtrap wasn't a fellow Nightmare in their eyes. They would've hurt him for 'corrupting' or affecting me. I couldn't let that happen." Fredbear responded at once.

  I nodded, dropping my coldness a notch.

  A long period of silence fell over us as children laughed and ran about outside. My Nightmare counterpart and I barely made eye contact during that period and mostly seemed to ignore each other's existence.

  I then broke the silence with a question a while later, " How was Nightmare created? I know he is the strongest and leader of the Nightmares but not much else."

  Nightmare Fredbear sighed, " He's the darker manifestation of me. All Nightmares are the evil or darker counterpart of their original. The darkness inside of the originals being the forefront personality of the 'darkers'.... As I am the darkside of you, I hold all your negative traits, but not the ones everyone expected. I became the fearful monstrous version of you with the characteristics of being 'weak' due to your strong...'golden' personality."

  " I can not believe you just made a pun..."

  " Nightmare then was created off of the darker part of my personality...Nightmare Creation Inception if you will." Nightmare Fredbear continued.

  I nodded, it made sense that the leader of such a dark group would be the creation of the Nightmares themselves.

  Logical and troubling...

Freddy's Profile:

  " Hey Freddy! Come over and check this out!" Bonnie shouted to me, waving me over where most of the animatronics were congregated.

  " What's going on?" I asked only to be shushed.

" BREAKING LIVE! Fazbear Fright's Frightful Robery!

Late last night between the hours of 12 to 6am; the main horror attraction of Fazbear Fright was stolen! An old animatronic that was discontinued and possibly worth fortunes went missing after a power outage and the Night Guard being knocked out after being treated a severe hit to the head. No one has been able to determine who the criminal is but authorities are begging the public for any clues as well as a reward being offered by the owners of the restaurant chain. A statement had been collected from both parties.

Police Officer: We are baffled. The medical experts and forensics have determined that the head trauma the Night Guard experienced and the power outage stopping the camera film was simultaneous. Yet no one else is seen entering or exiting the building at any time in the previously saved footage. We have no idea who we are up against.

Fazbear Fright Executor: We beg the public to give us any news it may have. Even the smallest things can help. IF you stole our animatronic and are listening right now, please return it. There will be no consequences for your actions as long as it is returned in two days harm without any damage or disassembly.

This has been---reporting with the news.

  " Isn't that the place where that springlocked animatronic went? Springbonnie or something...Fredbear's old partner?" Toy Freddy asked.

  I nodded, " The very place. But I'm not entirely sure if it is Springbonnie they were talking about. None of us have any idea how many springlocked suits were made. Only know whos...and Goldie know."

  The others solemnly nod, my crew looking up at the ceiling where our children buddies forever were playing...well most of them.

  None of us ever talked about them very much.

  A door then opened and Plushtrap ran out followed by Goldie and his nightmare counterpart. It was a bit late considering it was 2:35 but it was a weekend with no nightguards.

  That's when we all heard a creak.

  Turning, we could all see Puppet opening the entrance of the Pizzeria as a figure of an animatronic was revealed, stirring outside. It was starting to rain and lightning and thunder was beginning in the night sky.

  The animatronic's shadow seemed to fill the room as it came closer to entering.

  I watched as Goldie's eyes widened as well as Nightmare Fredbear's.

  " YOU!?!"

This took wayyyyyy longer than I wanted. I'm happy I've finally managed to update this though. Stay Cool guys and Peace Out! -JanjaFan 😎✌

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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