Chapter 13

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I final have 1K thats awsome but then I look at the other fanfics and they have alot more reads so I'm just going to keep writing until more people read this or when it ends.

It's been a few days since we all had to start training just to open those stupid gates personally I thought it was a waste of time. Leorio and Kurapika wouldn't let Gon some of the heavy lifting since his arm was broken, though I did see him training at night. I had the weights on along with Eevee I tried to tell him not to but he insisted I don't know what to do with him. Right now I was able to sneak off unnoticed along with Eevee so we were currently walking around the woods.

"What are we doing Varian?" asked Eevee

"We are investigating this area" I answered


"Because even though I don't want to be here I might as well make the trip worthwhile"

"What about your friend-"

"Acquaintance" I correct


"If they get him back great, if not, then oh well"

"How cold"  Eevee sweatdropped

As we continued to walk we found ourselves in a clearing with a flower bed at the center of it. In the flower bed was a small girl in a traditional Japanese shrine maiden outfit, with boots and a headband adorned with cartoon faces; there are two small straight bunches of hair, each of which is fastened by 4 hair bands that each are decorated with the same cartoon faces on his headband, hung down on the sides of the front of his head.

She seemed to have noticed my presence since she brought her head up to face me.

"Hi, my names Alluka what's your name?" the girl now known as Alluka asked

"You know you shouldn't be giving your name out to strangers right?" I said

"What! But if you tell me your name and you know mine, then we won't be strangers!" she answered childishly

"I don't think it works that way" I answered sweatdropping

Getting up, she ran towards me and Eevee bending down, she started to pet Eevee

"Aw, he's so cute what's his name?"

"Hey! Don't pet him without his permission and his names Eevee" I said annoyed

"Sorry, he's just SO cute so Eevee can I pet you some more?"

Eevee not very used to attention like this just nodded dumbly so Alluka continued, seeming to forget her previous question. I let her continue petting Eevee since there was nothing wrong with her aura and she didn't seem like a threat, but I kept an eye on her since we were in Zoldyck territory.

"Neh~ What are you doing here?" Alluka questioned childishly

Seeing no point in lying I answered "I'm looking to see if there are any Lost Beasts in this mountain"

"What are those?"

"You sure, ask a lot of questions" I said amused

"Well, yeah Onii-chan always says its good to ask questions"

"Well, he's right, but they have to be good questions."

"Aha your right!"

Then she started to sniff me, catching me by surprise, she circled around me and sniffed when she was done, she was done, she had a thoughtful look on her face "Neh~ you smell like Onii-chan do you know Onii-chan?"

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