Chapter 1

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The six kingdoms.
- Anxiety -
- Mind Palace -
- Creativity -
- Morality -
- Logical -
- Dark -

One upon a Time..

There where six kingdoms, in unison. The Fear Kingdom, Heart Kingdom, Creativity Kingdom, Logical Kingdom, Dark Kingdom, and the Mind Palace that connected them all. Thomas was the king that made the other five join him so they work in unison. Until the Dark Kingdom felt they weren't apart of anything that the others were doing. So they left. It made the others start to fall but they worked through it.

An Thomas made a legend that seven people/prince's, would make the kingdom join together. Then the Dark Kingdom made the god/king Frozen in time but he was still able to communicate to his people and the other four kingdoms.  

The Kingdoms have their own special power. The Mind Palace is a safe place, no one can enter unless the Overlord king says so. Which he allows  the four kingdom. But they four kingdoms kept the dark kingdom a secret. They sent the ungrateful there. At one point The Fear Kingdom was apart of the Dark Kingdom...until. 

The Dark Kingdom betrayed the Fear kingdom. So they left..biggest re-leaf  when they left, but the Dark kingdom left a huge scar on them. 

Soon enough the kingdom had children, during the time. They were affected. 

Roman and Remus, twin brothers, they are from the Creativity Kingdom, but Remus gotten angry with Roman because he was getting their kingdom. Roman had to learn how to fight, better than Remus, but both had to learn to fight. 

Logan, only child, he is from the Logicality kingdom, his parents didn't want to be together so, he grew up emotionless, but he could feel, but not a Kuudere. He learned all the time, and saved time by scheduling and learn more about the other kingdoms. 

Patton, and Picani, Patton is the eldest by a year, they are from the Morality Kingdom, they share to much feelings, and both had fun. Picani didn't mind, that he won't be king, as long he is happy, and finds love. 

Then the Anxiety, Virgil, and Remy, brothers, but Remy being the oldest he gets the throne, and Virgil was truly never was announce as a prince, and he was alright with that. 

lastly the dark kingdom. that is were everyone that was dark, did something wrong in the kingdoms were sent there, of course truly no one from the true light kingdoms were never sent there but many people from Anxiety kingdom, they do, not all but most. 

Then the Mind Palace, is were the peace is. But, one thing happened on Thomas's 20th birthday.

Anxiety kingdom, they were under attack, and both princes were captured, and the king was devastated, and the other kingdoms moved their children to the Mind Palace, the farthest away from the battles. They were right, because soon they were under attack but they won. New soon spread through that Prince Remy and another was taken away. 


Remy sits next to his brother who is scared out of his mind. He was having a panic attack, and Remy put him to sleep because that was his powers. They all had powers, and they were special, because they were all different, but nearly the same. A man walks into the room, and Remy stands up. 

"relasss" he slures, and Virgil wakes up, and sits up tiredly, and looks at the man. "do be frighten, my name is Deceit, and I like you  both to not join me, and your father will die" he smirks, and they look confused. "sorry I don't lie" he says, and Virgil gets it. 

"h-he lies, and he wants u-us to join him, if not, our father will die" he whispers, and Deceit nods. 

"correction" he says, and Remy thinks for a moment, and sighs. 

"we will join, just don't hurt our father" Remy says, Deceit nods. 

"of course not,dear~" he leaves, and Remy looks at Virgil. 

"I am sorry brother...maybe one day we can leave, but not soon...I will get you out of here"

he kept that promise for two years, of course Virgil was manipulated, hated, and he was soon called Anxiety, and Remy, sleep. They stuck together until it gotten out of hand, and Remy must protect his brother, so one night, he put Virgil in a cloak, it was black. 

"Remy...what are we doing?" Virgil asked tiredly, Remy grabs a bag, and puts cloths in it, and a couple books. 

"You are leaving. They are going to hurt you brother, I can not let that happen" Sleep, yawns. "you must leave, I made a reputation, they can't hurt me, but you, they can"  They both start to go through the dark kingdom, they get out, and Remy holds Virgil close, they run to the out skirts of the enter kingdom. Thomas stands there waiting on the out skirts. 

"you both made it" he says smiling, and Anxiety looks at him confused. 

"Remy? what is going on?" he looks at him, and Remy puts both hands on his brother. 

"Anxiety, I am only protecting you, please do not be afraid. I will not join you, but you must do this alone" he kissed Virgil on the head, and he hears Deceit yelling. "you must go. Thank your Highness for taking Prince Anxiety."

"Your very welcome, now we must go" Thomas holds his hand out, and Remy pushes Virgil out. 

"no, Remy-"Virgil angered voice and both him and Thomas disappear. 

They both appear in a room, Virgil falls and breath's heavily. A boy with glass ran over and knelt down to virgil. "kiddo! Hey breath" he says and Virgil calms down a d looks up. "I am Patton. Who may you be? Mind me asking?" He says smiling.

"A-anxiety" Virgil says scared, he doesn't trust them because names are weakness, they can be used in spells if you know what to do. He didn't want to trust anyone, except Thomas, he was king, the king could be trusted.

"Patton please show, Anxiety to his room." Thomas says leaving.

"Let's go kiddo" Patton helps him up and starts to show him the way to his room. "So you escaped from the dark kingdom. How?" He ask wondering.

"...idk.." he says because he truly didn't. His brother did.

"Alright, do you have a family?"

" brother" Virgil says and they continue to walk. Patton stops

"Well here is your room. You will meet the others in the morning, please gets some rest Anxiety. If you want to you can call me Morality."

"O-okay.. Patton" Virgil says opening the door. "Night" he says and closed the door behind him and he gets in. The room is purple, his favorite color. How did they know? Remy? Maybe...anyways. Virgil lays down in bed and he could not sleep. Not like his brother. He can't. He was now alone. In a kingdom that didn't know anything about him.

He had a new life when his brother could not. He then started to worry about him. How will he live in without his brother?

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