Chapter 8

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It has only been a day and they had nothing. Remus stayed with his brother, and friends at the mind palace. Virgil, and Remy go to the garden and sit by the fountain.

"Brother..." Virgil starts with to gain his brother's attention. Remy looks at him. "I-is...Deceit being controlled?" He ask making eye contact with Remy.

"I-I am not sure. Deceit has always lied and manipulated...but not as a kid." He says and Virgil nods to that.

"Yes, but what Remus says.... We know that he does not lie, but he loves him" Virgil says, and Remy nods.

"Yes, love can blind you but not always." He says and looks at the water. A yellow petal falls into the water making ripples. Then Remy stands. "Virgil I got it! Get the other. Throne room now!" He says running off and Virgil does as told. The 6 look at each other as Remy walks in holding paper. Yellow, white, and green. He looks at them.

"What is going on?" Roman ask, and Logan nods.

"Yes, what is the reason for this?" Logan ask, and Remy smirks.

"Remus, here now" he demands and Remus walks over to Remy. "Okay hold this" he hands Remus white paper, and he holds it. "okay Deceit as me, Remus, and Virgil knew him. He was nice, and sweet when his father was a total asshole." He says and puts the yellow and green paper together then rip them. "But when Virgil left, that is when everything started to change. Virgil has the ability to make anyone have a nightmare and I guess that was important. But you have to out them to sleep, which also includes me, but to get those nightmares Remus was also appear of it. Then it came to me, why was Deceit so torn after Virgil left" he says and looks at them. " You saw the whole paper before. It was together, but now a part. Well, Remus remember when we wondered to his father's room." He says and Remus nods.

"Ye-eah.." he says getting it and anger started to grow in him.

"His father planned to control Deceit, BUT Deceit denied it." He taps the two papers to the white paper. "So he had to do it by force." He steps back and let's the others see. "Deceit is being controlled by his father. The yellow is the disguise, the green the real Deceit, but Deceit always had a special place in his heart for someone, the white. Now who is holding the papers?" He ask and Patton speaks.

"Remus?" he says and Remy nods.

"What does my brother have to do with this?" Roman ask and Remus face start to glow bright green.

"He loves me..." Remus drops the papers and Logan speaks.

"It looks like that Deceit has taken a liking to Remus, and it appears that Remus likes him too." He points out the obvious for everyone but it was slightly confusing for Patton, but he got it.

"Well I believe Remy has a plan". Picani says and Virgil nods.

"Remus, get ready. Your going to be bait" Remy says and Remus gulps.

-3 hours later-

Roman pushes Remus over the like that connects to The dark side. "DECIET!" He calls out, Remus is tied up, and has a lot of cuts and bruises. Tears fall on his face.

"I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU!" Remus yells at him. "YOUR JUST LIKE THE REST OF THEM" He yells again, and smoke appears and Deciet stand there. He was a mess.

"...remus..." He says quietly and both boys look surprised.

"What the hell happened to you?" Roman ask and Remus sits up.

"Deciet..." He says and Deciet moves but suddenly his eyes changed so he stops.

"What do you want?" He ask more rudely.

"..let's make a don't destroy the light side, you stay on your side, and my brother won't get hurt" he says pulling out his sword.

"Why would I make that deal, he is a mess. Have him. Kill him if you like, this was a waist of my time" he turns away and Remus stands up.

"I THOUGHT YOU LOVE ME! DECEIT, DON'T LET THAT ASSHOLE CONTROL THE LIFE YOU LIVE" he yells, and Roman steps back. Virgil appears behind him and the other join as well.

"...." Deciet turns and sees everyone. Thomas appears behind Deciet and puts his hand on his head.

"Your rain will end, king Johnson" he says and a soul leaves Deceit's body, but Deceit falls to the ground. Remus gets out of the room and gets over to Deciet.

"Dee..." He says and rubs his head. His eyes open and they were brown and not two different colors.

"Remus?" He ask, and he soon sits up.  "Father!" He says and leans on Remus for support for the head ache.

"Don't sit up to fast Deciet. Rest" Thomas says and Deciet nods. "Take him home. In 1 month there will be a a Galla." He says and Remus nods and teleported them away, to take care of him.

The others head to the mind palace and starts to get ready. Mostly Logan, and Remy. Nearly 2 weeks before the Galla Patton, and Picani start to get ready. A week before the Galla Roman and Virgil get ready. The other two get ready the day before the Galla. Thomas was always ready.

Soon the Galla was there, and everyone is there.

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