Chapter 7

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"well..." Remy starts with and looks down at the grey blankets. "Remus came and put his to sleep. But it was spell so only true loves kiss can save him it can be Patton unless he loves someone greater than him. But I was drugged I couldn't move. I passed out by the time I reached him" He says and Roman was about to say he was lying but Virgil spoke first.

"I believe you..Remy. you hate to lie so thank you" he says, and Remy nods. Roman sighs, he looks at Patton.

"Patton, maybe brother loving can wake him"

"No" he says and Logan nods.

"I agree with Patton. His brother has grown a liking to someone."

"Then find this person and ask.if they love him" he says, but deep inside his heart was breaking.

"Alright, Remy. How does you emotional feelings, feel towards Picani?" He says. And Remy's face blushes a little.


"Do you like Picani?" Virgil says, decoding him.

"What? Why? Me?" He looks at them and Roman thinks for a moment.

"Well for a moment, when he met you. He had started to feel something. Love at first sight, maybe"

"That bogus" Virgil says, and Roman whispers to him.

"You're sure babe?" He kisses Virgil on the cheek which makes him glow purple.

"It is still bogus!" He screeches out, and Patton smiles a little.

"You didn't deny you like him" Patton says but Logan speaks.

"But he also didn't say he did like him." Logan says, and Patton looks at him.

"It is true love Logan!"

"Umm..I-I guess Patton." Logan says and Roman snickers.

"I think we killed my brother" Virgil says, he was standing over his brother poking his shoulder. "hey look, Picani is shirtless" he says and Remy blinks.

"What?!" He says his face was glowing Brown ish pink. Virgil laughs and Roman snickers a little. Patton sighs and Logan groans at his actions. "What happened?"

"You spaced out" Logan says and Virgil calms down and pats his head.

"There, there Remy..."

"Can you wake up Picani now?" Patton ask nicely, and Remy blushes, and he crawls over to Picani.

"If this doesn't work we better find someone he likes" he says and kisses Picani. He pulls away, and Patton looks down. Then Picani's eyes open. "I am fucking out" he gets off the bed blushing madly, and Picani sits up.

"What happened?" He asked and Patton snickers.

"True loves kiss" Roman says, and Virgil leaves to go after his brother.

"Remy, why did you leave?" Virgil ask and Remy was passing.

"I don't know I just did" he says stopping in front of Virgil. "I didn't think that someone as kind as him, likes someone that is like me...I am sleep after all. My powers basically put him to sleep, but at least I had little hope for true loves kiss. They knew I had that. But Picani is sweet, loving and caring...I am"

"My older brother, who protects his family, and fights for something. If you didn't I wouldn't be here neither would they. They would be doing nothing if you didn't save me" Virgil says. "plus I am Anxiety, not you" he jokes and Remy nods. Then smiles.

"Yeah..." He says both boys jumps when the door opens. Virgil turns to see Picani, his face is entirely red. "Picani?" He ask his face gets red and Roman goes past him and takes Virgil, Patton and Logan join them leaving the two.

"Remy, I-I.." Picani was speechless, and Remy walks to him.

"I love you too Picani~" he gives him a quick kiss and walks away and he falls to his knees. Then Remy was tackled to the ground. He turns over to see Picani.

"Remy....I love you" he says and Remy smirks and wraps his arms around Picani. "Remy?"

"Be my boyfriend" he says, and Picani smiles, and kisses him. He lets go and whispers to him.

"I like that" he says, and both heard a commotion in the throne room. They get up and head there, to see the four surround Remus. He had his head down with tears on his face. Roman is yelling at him.

"YOU LEFT THIS FAMILY, YOU COULD HAVE HAD IT ALL BROTHER BUT YOU BETRAYED US. HOW CAN WE TRUST YOU?" Roman says and Remus looks up with tears still falling.

"Because Deceit is being controlled...and he forced me to do this...he threaten his own life including you guys" he says and Virgil grab Roman's arm.

"Trust him.." he says and Roman sighs and look back at his brother.

"Will get him back but if this is a trap, your dead" Roman says and Remus smiles.

"Thank you brother!" He says and Roman than knew he wasn't lying. They all knew.

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