1. The Truth

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I don't own Harry Potter, it belongs to J.K. Rowling. This is now an ADOPTED story from kat-troxluh and I hope I can do her justice!! Hope you enjoy it all.

Harry sat in his dark room crying from yet another beating from his abusive uncle, Vernon Dursley. All of a sudden Vernon burst through Harry's bedroom door. "Oh, just shut up FREAK!" Harry could only nod and whisper "yes sir". Harry's bright forest green eyes were red and puffy, his uncle only kicked him once more then stalked out of the room leaving Harry on the cold and darkened room. While Harry was trying to stop his head from pounding, he could hear his uncle outside of his room putting up many different locks.

He sighed quietly once, no sound could be heard from the outside of his door. Harry frantically got up, a little too quick, looking for his wand. The whole room was spinning from the little light of what he could see, he picked up his wand from under his pillow and cast a "Lumos". He looked at himself in the mirror, he had bags from no sleep, he had bruises everywhere and where he didn't his skin was deadly pale, he looked down right awful. He felt how tired he was from just standing so he gently took off his glasses and set them aside, with that he fell into a restless sleep.

Meanwhile at Hogwarts..................................

A very angry Severus Snape was making his way to Dumbledore's office to discuss some new information he had just informed on by Madam Poppy Pomfrey.

Earlier, right before school year ended. Harry was injured in a Quidditch match Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, Poppy had nursed him back to health yet again and sent him on his way, but when he was in a coma she did a full body scan and found out some very interesting things about one Harry James Potter.

Severus finally arrived at Dumbledore's office, he whispered the password "Lemon Drop" before stepping into the office. "Headmaster" Severus started "we need to discuss some things right now!" he snapped. "My dear boy, what can I do for you?" Dumbledore asked as he stared at the Daily Prophet before him. Severus only glared before continuing "are you aware of what is happening in Potter's home?" Severus asked, trying to be civil. "Severus, what is wrong? is Harry alright?" Dumbledore finally looked up with concern lacing his every word. Severus could only close his eyes and remember how his father used to beat him. He quickly snapped out of it only to stare into blue depths of Albus Dumbledore's eyes.

"So Poppy hasn't told you yet? well I was informed just recently that Mr. Potter's household currently at the residents of 4 Privet Driver is unsafe for the child. Albus he's a young boy, a second year at that, he has been abused since he was three years of age......" Severus replied sadly. Dumbledore could only stare back incomplete shock "Severus my boy, I'm afraid that I'm aware of this already. It is only safe that he is with fami-" Albus was soon interrupted by Severus' uncontrolled temper. "Albus how dare you! He has had way to many near death experiences just in the past two years from his uncle's beatings! If you won't take him out of that damn household I will remove him myself. I am not bluffing. Good evening, Headmaster" and with that Severus stormed out of Dumbledore's office, only to leave behind a very shocked blue eyed man.

updated: 22/11/19 wow that was quick right

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