20. 😭Setback😭

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((I'm writing this while each french pastries and freaking playing fetch with my cat Cece))

Severus had managed to get into his quarters mind you it was a rather difficult task as Harry wouldn't come out of his robes no matter how much he tried to get the poor boy out.

Otiz wasn't really helping either as he was also stuck to Severus like glue all in the name to protect Harry from what had happened in the Great Hall.

Once they had entered the boy darted out and headed to his room that was always there and locked the door even before Otiz had time to comprehend what was happening.

"Otiz he will be alright, let him calm down before we go in there ok?" said Severus as he sat down in his chair, Otiz clearly trying to get into the room.

Severus called for a house elf for some fire whiskey, just one mind you he did have to look after Harry as well as teach tomorrow.

Otiz kept mewing at the door pleading to be let in and after half an hour of it all, Severus had enough and so got up and walked to the door and knocked only for it to open fully.

He saw Harry laying in his bed crying his eyes out, wrapped tightly up within his covers, Otiz ran over to him right away and jumped on to the bed and wrapped himself around Harry protecting him from anything and everything.

Severus came towards the bed and once there he sat down and stroked Harry's hair, noticing how soft it was, yep definitely Lily's texture as well as her eyes everything else was James freakin Potter, oh well.

"Hadrian come now child everything will be alright..." said Severus trying to get his attention, all he got was a slight nod of a head.

After a few long antagonising minutes Harry got up and looked at his father, tears streaming down his face, he launched himself at Severus only for him to almost fall off the bed as he held his son tightly.

"Dad...... that was so scary..... now I'm going to be picked on yet again!" cried Harry into his chest, tears and snot going everywhere. Yuck!

"Hadrian it's ok, I'm here and so is Otiz and I know for a fact that Mr and Mrs Weasely will be there for you as well my son".

"How did they find out anyway... I mean Mr and Mrs Weasely?" at this he looked straight into onyx eyes.

"....you told them!!!" screamed Harry into Severus' face, this made Otiz' hackles rise slightly at the outburst, fur staticing everywhere, Severus sighed he knew he had made a big mistake by it, he knew would turn out much better then he would expect in the future.

"Hadrian I know I should of asked your permission to tell them but I would love for you to have them in your life, I would like them to be the go to people that I know that they are, also they were and still are your parents best friends, I don't want you to lose that.

I know their youngest two have been bullies to you but from what I know from what Mrs Weasely is like from her oldest children she is a force to be reckoned with.

She will and I hate to admit this will follow through with all threats given to her children if they don't listen to her" and he hugged his son close to him, stroking fluffy soft hair.

"But you still told!" Harry almost screamed but once he took in all the information that he was given he knew, even though he hadn't spent much time with the Weasely's he knew Molly would follow through.

Harry sighed into Severus and was almost asleep but Otiz had other plans and for the first ever time he disappeared out of the room in search for something.

Severus sat there for a few more minutes thinking that his son was asleep he went to get up but that when he was hugged by a limpet and wouldn't let go so he brought him to to the living area and placed on his lap on the sofa.

"Hadrian listen to me and listen well my son, the young Mr. Weasely and his sister will not harm you and I can assure you that with their older brothers looking out for you as well as Otiz and myself you will be fine".

Harry leaned into him more and hummed slightly and snuggled into him almost dropping off to sleep, he had finished all his homework anyway so an early night might just be what was needed until Otiz came bounding back in an hour later carrying something in his mouth.

He passed over to the two of them and dropped something unceremoniously onto their laps, it was pure white but when Harry took it into his arms it gave off body heat and it smelt like lillie's of all things.

He passed over to the two of them and dropped something unceremoniously onto their laps, it was pure white but when Harry took it into his arms it gave off body heat and it smelt like lillie's of all things

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Happy that his master was finally happy Otiz got up on the sofa next to them and leaned slightly on Severus and fell asleep.

The two looked at the animal and then looked at the stuffed fox that now rested in Harry's arms.

"Do you think it's his way to cheer me up?" asked Harry, Severus smiled towards him and then hugged his son tightly and nodded.

Harry held the stuffie tightly and within no time he was sleeping, Severus brought him to his room, followed by Otiz of course and then went to bed he knew tomorrow was going to be a bad day for his son but with the older Weasely's, Otiz and himself protecting him along with is new friends he should be alright.

updated: 3/6/2020

((happy birthday to my nephew George 13 at last))

Ok peeps I need some ideas on how Fred and George are going to play some pranks for their younger siblings.

So far I have:
*Canary sweets and puking pastilles in the food and drink
*Fireworks wouldn't be Fred and George
*A potion to make them have different coloured hair to match the houses
*Another potion so then they can have animal ears
*Voice altering sweets

What do you think, can you think of anymore, credit will go to you

Sumire out🌸

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