24. Dinner and fun with Ron

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Dinner was a very fun event in its self really, everyone still had animal ears and tails and coloured hair and every so often fireworks would be going off as well as the fire crackers, one went off right under the staff table making Dumbledore squeak due to having mouse ears.

The teachers tried not to laugh but in the end everyone was laughing, Severus trying desperately not to but everyone knew he would creak!

While everyone was eating Fred and George came up behind Harry making him squeak as they grabbed a hold of his arms and taking him out of the Great Hall.

"What was that for!" he asked annoyed only to have two identical devil smiles placed in two identical faces.

"Oh Hadi, Hadi..."

"...we just..."

"...came to...

"... tell you.."

"...what's going..."

"...to happen..."

"...next!" they finished together.

Harry nodded and looked at them when they finally placed him on the floor once more.

"So what's going to happen now?"

"Well our little Ronnikins and baby girl are going to have some secrets told that they don't want people to know about sadly" said George.

"Our little book worm will have fun with her school work" said Fred to him.

Then they picked Harry up again and brought him back into the Great Hall where they were just in time to hear the start of the prank.

((hey I turned him into a rag doll))

When the three of them had exited Ron took a bite out of some chicken and right there and then after swollowing he started to blurt out things like.

"I love it that I cheat on my homework"

"I beat up the weaker older years and Ravenclaws so then they do my homework"

"If I can't even be bothered to even write my own classwork, I love having a self writing quill best thing I ever bought".

He clamped his hands over his mouth trying to stop himself but he couldn't they are now coming thick and fast.

"I've slept with almost everyone in the Hufflepuff House both male and female, they are just so easy"

Again he clamped his hands over his mouth!! He didn't want everyone to learn of this at all!! He was going to be in so much trouble!!

Everyone looked towards the youngest male Weasely in shock, all the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws that Ron had bullied all stood up!

A girl from Hufflepuff called Andie Owltwist who was in her fourth year now storked up to him and slapped him so hard he fell off the bench he was sitting on.

"You Ron Weasley are despicable, I knew you are up to something when you asked me out last year!! So this was what it was!!" and she ran out of the Hall.

Another Hufflepuff stood up and also slapped him but it was more of a punch than anything his name was Zander Wilson-Letcher and he was a seventh year and a Perfect at that!!

"You're disgusting and if you come anywhere near the Puffs you will be dealt with" amd he returned to his seat, Professor Sprout, Pomona looked towards the Gryffindor table and then looked at Minerva.

"Well I never in all my time here at Hogwarts have heard of something like this!" she was shocked more than anything until everyone at the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw tables stood up looking towards their Heads of Houses!

The Perfects from the houses stood in front of the staff table and looked at all the teachers minus Albus really, it was Minvera that finally spoke.

"I would like everyone that has had been hurt by Mister Weasely to come to my office right away and I would like each and everyone one to write a statement.

Mister Weasely follow me please, I would like a private word with you and what you have done to the rest of your peers. This is not how a Gryffindor should act much less than a human" and she storked off having him following, still blabbering his secrets as he went.

The Gryffindor table just watched the two retreating out of the Hall.

Ginny was the first to accuse and she turned to her brother's who were still sitting at the Slytherin table, she stood up and started telling.

"How can you do that to your own brother! He's done nothing to you two!!" she jabbed her finger to them "he never has done anything! He wants his friend back!" she yelled again to them.

"Well it appears that we had nothing to do with this as it sounded like it started when WE where outside when this all started" said George to his little sister.

"Why do you think it would be us of all things GINERVA!" spat Fred to her, using her full name which all of them knew she hated.

"Who else who pull something like this, we have better things to do then something like this, we have O.W.Ls next year" they said together.

Everyone was watching what was happening, there was a rift between the lightest family in the whole of Great Britain!


Inside Minerva's office one Mister Ronald Weasely was being spoken too!

"Well it appears that you Mister Weasely are in a whole heap of trouble! Since we left not even ten minutes I've had nothing but information about you and your acts... shall we call them?" she looked him right in the eye.

He could only nod to her, he never wanted to be found out like this........

Minerva picked up one parchment that was for a sixth year Ravenclaw stating that he was punched and kicked in the most delicate area and in the face and forced to write his assignments last year even though he was trying to study in the library at the time, it was sighed Alexi Hickinbottom, she could tell that he had been crying writing this.

Again she picked up another parchment this one from a third year Hufflepuff stating that she had to take a morning after pill to make sure that she hadn't gotten pregnant, it was signed Mitsuko Sora the transfer student that came this year alone!

Minerva was very disturbed about what she had been reading....

"Ok Mister Weasely I would like you to hand over ALL of your quills so then I can keep them and you will serve detention with Flitch as well as Professor Flitwick and Sprout, during your classes you will be sitting at the teacher's desks so then they can keep an eye on you!

I will be informing your parents as your father works at the Ministry I think he would like to know what you have been doing.

If he wants to he can get the Ministry to take action as using self writing quills in Hogwarts is against the rules, what you have done about bullying and raping students you WILL make a formal writing apology to each and everyone one of them through letter and a full public display.

Detention will start tonight with Flitch and then every night for the remainder of the year with the professors mentioned including me!" and he hung his head, just wait until he got back at who every did this to him, they would pay dearly!!!

updated: 3/6/2020

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