47. New Headmaster

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Albus was enraged the Weasley idiot had been cast out in front of the whole school! In the Great Hall no less! Why in Merlin's name would he do that!

Lucius had come to his room that very evening to tell him what had happened.. what he wasn't unsympathetic as many may think he was but what Lucius was met with afterwards was unheard of!

Albus threw himself at Lucius in angry and tried to assault him with all his might but being much younger than the old man Lucius moved out of the way making Albus fall helplessly on to the floor.

Not really wanting to help the man up due to what has been happening helped him up with disgust. Albus once on his feet pushed Lucius away grumbling about 'stupid blonde haired pure bloods' and walked back to his bed and stared up at the ceiling having nothing else better to do.

Lucius started to leave but when he got to the door he stop and smiled and then turned around to the old man and said "your trial has been set.. I will inform you of the date and time a week before it" and with that he left the man to stare up at the ceiling.


The following morning as the students walked into the Great Hall for breakfast they noticed a man sitting up at the Head Table, a select few knew who he was but they said nothing.

Once everyone had arrived a the chatter had died down all wanting to know who the person was sitting in Dumbledore's seat, this made Lucius sigh he hated doing things like this but he knew he had to and so walked to the front of the hall and introduced the new Headmaster.

"Welcome students to a new day at Hogwarts as you all must of noticed we have a new member of staff at the Head Table, this man is now the Headmaster of Hogwarts as the Ministry finds Albus Dumbledore ineligible due to what has happened over the past year.

I would kindly like everyone to welcome one Mister Tomas Marvolo Sötétség, he was once a very well known attorney back in Hungry and has complete recommendations and qualifications for this job, so has moved back to England after twenty years away".

Everyone was in shock that Albus was no longer Headmaster and that the Ministry had found someone so quickly at that to replace him.

Hermione wanted to say something about how they had replaced the Great Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore and replaced him with no one... then she remembered she had seen his face before! He was the one to help make the trial fall against Dumbledore in the first place!

It was all his fault that Harry wasn't back with the Gryffindor's, the Headmaster as well as his relatives! Harry should of been back where he belonged but she didn't want anything to happen to her like it did with Ginny being treated as a Squib and Ron now with the Ministry not knowing his fate was killing her.

Tom got up from his seat and introduced himself to everyone, he welcomed them to the new school year even though it was coming to the end of November but in his book it didn't count as it was the start of his new career, his new place at work he count wait.

"Welcome students, I know the term is coming to an end in the next couple of weeks but I would like to welcome you all to a new year, I do hope I can live up to your expectations of a acceptable Headmaster in the next coming weeks.

My name as Mister Malfoy has said is Tomas Marvolo Sötétség, I have come from Hungry after being asked by your Minister after he saw my credentials, I hope that we all can get along with each other.

Not that this has taking up most of your first period and breakfast of course I would like everyone to finish and head off to their second lessons of the day, I will be coming around to inspect the classes during the next week or so, so please expect me in your lessons from time to time.

With that I hope you all enjoy your breakfast and I hope that you all enjoy your day and I do hope that we can all get along with eachother over the course of your time within Hogwarts" and he just clapped his hands and the food appeared on the tables.

Otiz listen to the whole thing, he was in his child form drinking his blood, Harry and Severus had yet again managed to get him to wear something different than his normal colours, today he was wearing a purple top with a silver dragon on and black trousers.

Once he was finished and without being noticed Otiz headed towards the Head Table and pulled slightly on Lucius' robes making the man look at him and smile.

"Lu-Lu.. I wanna sits wif you" and he climbed up onto his lap and started to making the staff laugh at him, while Lucius blushed at what he was being called.

Then Otiz noticed Tom who smiled at the boy only to have said boy look at him making his eyes flicker red like Tom's had done.

They both knew who he was along with Lucius and Severus but no one said anything and carried in with their breakfast at the sound of the bell signalling the end of their first lesson everyone got up and left the Great Hall to go to their second lesson of he day.

This was when Harry and Draco notice that Otiz wasn't next to them and Harry started to panic.. Otiz was always there with him but now he wasn't.

Draco put his hand on Harry's shoulder "Hadrian it's ok look up at the Head Table I can see a small blue haired boy sitting on my father's lap" this made Harry turn towards said table.

There the good was happily sitting there talking away, with a soft whistle Otiz perked up making his ears and tail appear and then without hurt Lucius or Tom he jumped into the air and landed on his feet and then ran up to Harry and Draco.

"What have you been up to?" was the first question Harry asked only to get a happy reply of..

"With Lu-Lu and Tommy!" and he spun around and giggled as the three walked out of the Hall and onto their second lesson.

"Don't even think about laughing you three" said Lucius to Tom, Severus and Remus but it was too late all the staff were laughing at the poor blond.

"Ok Lu-Lu we won't" snickered Severus as he started to walk out of the hall and towards the potion labs.

"The great Lucius Malfoy being called Lu-Lu is way to much to handle. I think I will call you that from now on" said Tom as he got up and left, heading up to the Headmasters office changing the password to 'seven emeralds' and so when he entered the office he went to work right away.

Remus just continued to laugh slightly and tapped his shoulder and walked out with the rest of the staff who were also giggling at what the hybrid had called him.


What do you think?? Is it ok?? It's rushed as I had this idea in my head and had to write it down asap.. I will proof read the last few chapters and edit them....

Albus' trial and the outcome of Hermione are to come.....

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