Eldest Daughter

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Irene wont forget the moment she gave birth to her first child, like every other mother being a first time mom so hard, you need to figure out why is your baby crying , is she hungry? She want to burp? And many things to discover enable that her baby will grow healthy and happy. Thanks to the guide of her mom, while his husband goes to work, Irene's mom will come over and help her out. Now her daughter grow up very well that made her proud.

Irene name her first daughter Seulgi, the kid's feature is so much like his father, the eyes and the smile, the only feature that got from her mother is her nose and her thick hair. Seulgi was now 8years old, she's so passionate when it comes to dancing, Irene enrolled her to dance classes ever since shes a toddler the kid loving it and Irene willing to support her kids whatever they want to be.


"Mom! Wake up you told me will go grocery shopping right now!"

"Sweety just 5 for minutes"

"Mom! No! You told me yesterday that if you resist in waking up, I should try my best in waking you up!"

Seulgi had this easy technique enable her mother to wake up, she tickles her mother's feet

"Alright alright hahaha now stop Ill wake up"

"Hows the morning of mah seul bear?" As irene reach her arms to gave seulgi a tight hug.
"Its good mommy! Cause my other siblings still sleeping haha"

"Who said Iam still sleeping?"

"Way to ruin the moment Wendy" Seulgi said to her second sister.Wendy is Irene second child.

"Good morning mommy!" Wendy jump on the bed and join the hug.

"Did you sleep well wendy?"

"Not that much mom Seulgi unnie snores so loud"

"Hey I did not snore wannie!"

"Okay dont start the fight its still early"

The two fought sometimes even in small things, they glare each other like any other siblings but at the end no one can break the closeness they have since Wendy's age gap to her third sister its kind a big, they have each other for 2years.

"Mommy! (Sniffs) my nose huwttss (sniffs) " whined by irene's third child.

"Aw come here joy, mommy forget to spray the medicine into your nose last night Iam sorry honey"

"Its okay mommy" Joy gave her mother very sweet smile.

"Mommy I think Yeri poop on her diaper it smells bad in our bedroom" Joy said.

"Oh no!" Suddenly they heard a loud cry, Irene run toward to Joy and Yeri's bedroom. Yeri is Irene youngest child.

"Its okay honey mommy's here okay let me change your diaper"

"Uwahh uwahh mommy mommy"

"Shh okay okay now your fine"

"Mommy! Yeri is so loud"

"Uwaah uwahh " Seems like the baby understand.

"Hey dont say that joy, pabo" Wendy scold her sister.

"Iam not pabo unnie!" As joy start to pull Wendy's hair.

"Hey! Dont pull my hair!" Wendy also pulled her sister hair now they are rolling in the floor.

"Oh no!" As Irene trying her best to make them stop and the crying yeri at the same time.

"Hey stop it you two!" As Seulgi come in between of her sisters Joy and Wendy.But Joy push her elder sister away and continue to pull Wendy's hair. Seulgi now lil bit teary as she also still a child but at the early age Seulgi know her responsibility as an eldest especially now that their father left them she know that her mother cant handle all of them by her own.

"Hey dont be like that girls!" Now Seulgi successfully held Joy as she let go of Wendy's hair now Wendy is crying.
While Irene let baby Yeri sleep again in Irene's room.Their mother hurriedly comeback to Yeri and Joy's room to control the situation but amazingly Seulgi handle it.

"Joy dont be like that to your big sister she's still older than you, not all things can be handle by fighting"

"Wendy, dont be rude to your sister she still 5"

"Iam sorry Seulgi Unnie!" Now Joy is crying in front of Seulgi apologizing

"Dont say sorry to me Joy say sorry to Wendy"

"Sorry Wendy Unnie" as joy tightly hug Wendy.

"Iam sorry too Joy I should be the one protecting you cause Iam older than you Seulgi unnie was right" As Wendy hug back her sister and gave her a sweet smile.

"Enough for that drama who wants to go with mom and me for grocery shopping?"

"Bye Wendy Unnie definitely be the first take a bath!" As joy running away from them going to the bathroom.

"Hey thats not fair joyii! Iam still the one who will take you a bath haha!" As Wendy hurriedly follows joy to the bathroom.

"Dont run gurls might hurt yourself!" Irene reminds her children.

Irene couldnt be more proud of her eldest, Seulgi never dissappoint her in things like this, managing her little sisters for peace.

"Seulgi" Irene calls her eldest daughter from the door.

"Yes mom?" As seulgi come forward to her mother.

"I couldnt be more proud that your my eldest, you amazingly stop them from quarrelling sweety" Irene gave Seulgi very proud smile.

"Of course mommy, especially now daddy is not here, Iam always here by your side"

Hearing those words coming from one of her daughters made Irene tear up, the words coming from an 8 year old kid touch Irene's heart, As she hug and kiss the forehead of Seulgi.

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