My Wendy

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After one year Irene didnt expect for a second child because she's using a contraceptive pills that time but suddenly little did she know another angel will come to her life.A one year old Seulgi finally will have a little sister.

Irene named her second child Wendy, it has a great meaning it means that its a baby girl that is fair skinned and blessed the second meaning is that its a german name which means friend. Wendy's feature was amazingly a combination of Irene and her husband. Irene admit to herself that Wendy got her amazing singing talent from her dad as Irene husband was a great singer after all. Wendy's love of music so amazing the kid knew how to play several instruments not that Irene take her to class with those different instruments, Irene just enrolled her in piano lessons and the rest of the instruments self learned by Wendy. The child also joining different singing competitions and recitals at school which Irene support her child all throughout her journey to become a singer.

"Mom Iam nervous" said by a 7 year old Wendy. They are currently at the backstage.

"Hey theres nothing to worry about sweetheart just like your other concerts before" Irene said comforting her daughter.

"But mommy its different I got to represent the whole school!" Wendy looked her mother worriedly.

"Wannie, no matter what happen I know you can do it, you always tell mommy that singing is all you want to do and youre happy about it, dont think you will fail cause youre way too talented honey, sing by your heart and have fun" Irene gave her daughter some courage with her motherly smile.

"Yes Unnie! Joyii will punch someone if someone will mess you up!" Joy said like a little fighter, making some fist

"Wanda, mommy, me joyii and Yeri will be here dont worry everything will be fine" Seulgi assured her younger sister.

"Is it true yeri-ah?" Wendy come closer to her little baby sister as Yeri gave her a wide smile and open her small arms wanting to hug her big sister.

"Awe, alright I can do this!"

- -  - -

"Mom how long this concert will take Iam bored, Wendy unnie not still coming out" Joy whined as wanting to see her big sister perform.

"Me too mom Iam hungry" as Seulgi hold her tummy

"Hold on, Yeri still sleeping If I will go out she might wake up"

"Mom pwease Iam hungry" Joy whined again as she stand up and stumble to the other person beside them.

"Oh Iam sowwy" Joy apologizing to an old man beside her.

"Iam sorry sir to my child's behaviour bothering you"

"Its okay I understand I got bunch of them, actually 25 grandchildren" the old man chuckled

"Woah thats a lot" Irene said

"Is that all yours? They are all gorgeous"

"Yes, one will be on stage, thank you sir"

"Oh I have some triangle kimbap here, give these to your kids"

"Oh no sir thank you were all right"

"Just take it, just to surpass their hungriness, anyways also got a bunch of it at home" the old man smile to Irene.

"Thank you sir, kids what to say" Irene reminding her kids.

"Kamsahamnida" Seulgi and Joy bow and say it at the same time.

Finally 10 mins have passed after the kids ate their kimbap and Yeri woke up from the clapping of the audience shes lil bit startled but she didnt cry maybe Yeri know that her big sister turn already.

"And We have from Seoul Elementary School, Wendy!"

"Omg its unnie already!!" joy proudly say as she jump and down.

"Woah! wendy-ah!!! Hwaiting!!" Seulgi shouted courage for her sister.

"Come on sweety I know you can just like we practice" Irene whispers out of her nervousness.

As the auditorium filled by Wendy's charming voice, Irene couldn't hold her tears she cried throughout Wendy's performance as a mother shes really happy and proud on her daughter.

"Mommy!Unnie! Joy-ah, Yeri-ah!!" Wendy run excitedly to her family after the performance.

"Awe Wendy were so proud of you honey" Irene proudly greeted her daughter.

"Wendy unnie! Your so cool out there woah!" Joy happily said to her big sis.

"Wendy! You did it! you really did!" Seulgi said jumping up and down with Wendy.

"Yeri-ah so happy Wendy its amazing she didnt cry in waking up as she heard your name" Irene said to Wendy.

"Unnie!" Yeri happily said showing her no teeth smile.

"Oh Mom Yeri said Unnie!" Wendy happily heard those words from her baby sister

"Yes she learned it yesterday" Irene proudly said.

Wendy was so happy for the achievement she had on that day, that she shared with her family.She knew that her family would never leave her and will support her no matter what, even she fought sometimes with her siblings but their love to each other are priceless.But Wendy as a child couldnt help to ask about the idea of her dad coming back, she's just a child anyways, there are still a lot of things she need to learn and certain explanation by her mom as she grew up.

"Mommy, thank you!" Wendy tightly hug her mother.

"Awe honey always" Irene tightly hug back her daughter.

"Mom? You think dad will be proud if he ever see me at the stage singing? You think he'll come back?"Wendy said to her mother sadly.As her other siblings look her mom from the sudden question of Wendy about their dad.

"Wendy, of course your dad also be proud if he is there watching you sing" Irene heartache hearing those word from her daughter but she need to be strong for them she need to hold her tears. To show to her daughters that everything will be fine even their dad leave them.

"Could you send her the video mom if ever dad is interested" Wendy ask her mom.

"Of course honey I will" Irene smiled at her daughter.

Wendy had this characteristic that she always think of others and born with optimistic mind Irene thought that maybe she got it from her grandmother. Wendy also is the middle child among her siblings she always think of her siblings more than herself which is a bad and good thing at the same time, her mom never failed to remind her that sometimes its not bad to also think of herself as she still a child that need to explore as they grow up, but overall Wendy is a child that Irene called her bowl of sunshine because she gave the family full of her positivity.

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