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Written by: Yancy Nam


   These poems were written at a time I was having a hard time through adolescence. These pieces are remnants of a year I have experienced breakdowns and changes in my life. I had to go with the flow and swim to my comfort zone. I reread these works of mine and see flaws and words I should've replaced, yet, I see the beauty of a younger me. Someone who has yet to learn, who has yet to experience, who has yet to fight for.

   I wrote this throughout my high school years, back when writing was my only safe zone and outlet from all my frustrations, anger, pain and burden I can't release. I recognize that my work has been gaining attention from new people, I want to say hi . . . I hope I won't be wasting your time. I hope this reaches you well. If I'm being honest, I've always been cringing and embarrassed at my art, when I see new people following or reading my works . . . I want to just unpublish it. But hey, you're here for a reason right?

   Well, let me take you for the ride. There's no need to pretend here. These masks are now left to be unfold.

   Dedicated to everyone who wears the brightest smiles and the prettiest masks. The silent kid, the burnt-out gifted student, the golden child, the outcast, the wallflower, or to whoever the world has called you. This is for you.


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