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Do you know that moment when your heart beats faster and you simply can't sit still?You know something's going to happen and you are either thrilled or freaking out.

Yoongi was both.They were on their way back to Seoul.The weekend had been pretty boring for him,except some parts when he ended up searching amnesia symptoms and subliminal messages to try to miraculously get his life back.Spoiler alert,it didn't work.He ended up falling asleep with his face on the keyboard of his laptop.

He hoped Jimin would suggest stopping by the bar close to his house to get drunk and have that amazing make out session in the car.That's what it happened the last time.


"Yes?" he cut the younger off quickly

"I need to pee,can we stop somewhere?I know we're pretty close to home but my bladder's going to explode!" Jimin whined.

Yoongi gulped,feeling a rush of adrenaline speading towards his whole body,especially some regions.He couldn't wait to get his lover back and hear his pretty whines spill out of his delicious mouth.

"Y-yeah.Let's stop at this bar.You can use their bathroom for free"


The bar was extremely crowded,couples dancing together and kissing.Yoongi's lips almost tingled out of excitement,waiting to feel Jimin's.

"You done?" he asked,chuckling at Jimin's relieved face after getting out of the bathroom.He nodded.

"So,uhm,do you want to grab something to drink?Since we're already here" Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek.The plan had to work!

The other seemed not so sure,quite hesitant as he scanned the sweaty people dancing and screaming.

"Just a few shots!C'mon,I drove you all the way to Busan!"

Jimin thought for a bit,then smiled. "Fine" A drink never killed somebody,right?


The two sat down,Yoongi calling the bartender,which turned out to be a beautiful woman with a big smile and freckles plastered across her chubby cheeks.

"Let me guess!Two shots of vodka or some good old whiskey" the woman said

Jimin and Yoongi chuckled,the younger deciding on whiskey.

"Mhm,good choice gentlemen.If you're feeling fancy and have big wallets,what about some Irish Bourbon Whiskey?"

"Irish bourbon please!" Yoongi hummed.He needed something strong to forget how scared and nervous he actually was.

She poured the drink in two glasses and slid them across the counter all the way to the men's hands.

"Let hyung show you how to drink now"

Jimin paid attention at the way his hyung slowly moved the glass in order for the drink to move,fingers falling neatly on top of the glass' rim.

"Sip it like it's herbal tea,slowly"

The younger took the first sip,letting it burn his throat in a pleasurable way.

"Good,right?" Yoongi smirked,taking a sip as well.

They kept drinking and chatting about stupid stuff,their words becoming slurred,especially Jimin's.Yoongi prayed the boy would kiss him,he didn't want to make the first step,that's not how it had happened the first time.

Looking at Jimin's drunk state,Yoongi remembered how old Jimin would lock himself in the bathroom everytime he'd get drunk.He had to drag his boyfriend out of bathrooms numerous times and try to get the tipsy one to bed,but alcohol plus Jimin equaled neediness 99% of the times.He remembered how he convinced the boy that the zipper will bite him everytime he tries to pee while being drunk and poor Jiminie would be scared to death to approach the toilet seat.Then there was the last time the boy got drunk and Yoongi ended up crying in his arms,telling him everything that made him sad-

"Hyung?" Jimin snapped his fingers,eyeing his drinking buddy.

"Sorry,got lost in my thoughts.Wanna go to my car?"

"No,I wanted to thank you for driving me to my parents and then teaching me h-how to drive.You're a good person" the younger smiled,closing his eyes.

Was that the cue?Was Jimin waiting to be kissed?That was it,a simple peck and everything would be perfect again.Yoongi couldn't wait.

He slowly leaned in,breaths stopping in his throat.The distance between their faces was so familiar,so beautiful to Yoongi.He tilted his head,ready to get his baby back,ready to kiss him-

"Can't wait to introduce you to my girlfriend.Damn,I bet she misses me"


Everything stopped.Yoongi's last second of being hopeful disappeared into thin air,like a leaf taken away by the strong wind.His hands gripped the chair,knuckles turning white.

Girlfriend?What girlfriend?No!Jimin had to be with Yoongi!They had to kiss and then flirt like high school kids until they're in love.That needed to happen!Everything was going out smoothly until--until girlfriend.

He backed away from Jimin and stared.The younger opened his eyes and he had this look--this in love look.His irises were dilated and his smile was so sincere,so pure.Yoongi knew that face the best,that's what he wanted back.

But having this pretty in love face while talking about someone else?It hurt the older.He denied it,but Jimin was in love,and not with him.

"Her name's Jisoo,she's a sweetheart.I bet you'll be good friends!"

"C-can't wait to meet her then" Yoongi forced the corners of his mouth to pull his lips into a smile.

"I'm going to the car to get my stuff,you're not driving anymore,right?" Jimin slowly sat up,stumbling a bit.

"I'll take a cab.Go get your stuff,I'll pay" the sad one said and watched as the boy nodded and left the crowded bar quite in a hurry.

The moment he closed the door after himself,ten thousand knives stabbed Yoongi's body.

"Fucking hell!" he propped his head between his palms.

"Hey,I may have heard your conversation.You don't have to pay,it's on the house.You'll find another one,but I know it sucks" the girl patted his shoulder.

"I feel like a puppy in love.Except that I've just got dumped in the middle of a fucking forest and left to die.I'm an abandoned p-puppy" Yoongi said,trying to stop his tears from falling.

"That's not how it was supposed to happen" he pouted

"Sometimes things don't work how you want them to but I believe in fate.If God wants you together,you'll be together." she smiled apologetically

"Thanks," he looked at her name tag, "Thanks Val".

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