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It was 11 pm,a time when Jimin's neighbors are usually asleep.Both of his hands were busy with heavily stuffed luggage,the key to his apartment between his teeth–and doing that while tipsy was not an easy job.

To get to his place he had to cross one more hallway and he had to do that quickly,since the key's metallic taste wasn't a pleasure to the man.With light,soundless steps he hopped all the way to the door and carefully put down the luggage,opening the door slowly in case Jisoo was asleep.

Upon entering the apartment,a pleasant smell of salmon tickled Jimin's nostrils–his tummy as if on cue made funny noises.The alcohol made him hungry it seems.Locking the door and taking off his shoes,the man went to the kitchen where a white sheet of paper lay on the counter.

"I cooked salmon with veggies in case you're hungry.I'm super duper tired so I'll probably be asleep when you get home.Eat well!


Following his girlfriend's words,the man ate while thinking about the whole trip,including the little bar stop.Yoongi seemed a bit...upset after that.Was it the alcohol?Or did he remember something?He got lost in his thoughts a couple of times.Jimin couldn't really grasp when his hyung's mood changed,but he'd text him tomorrow just to be sure it was not his fault.

After finishing the delicious late night meal,Jimin changed into his comfy white pajamas and made his way to the bedroom,where his angel was sleeping peacefully.It made his heart fuzzy–the way Jisoo's dirty blonde hair covered her face and pillow,and the way her cheek pressed against the back of her hand,while slightly snoring.

He lay next to the girl and hugged her,wincing when he remembered he hadn't showered and was sweaty.Jisoo would definitely scold him for that the next day,going to sleep dirty was her biggest pet peeve.

He took a last glance at her and closed his eyes,slowly drifting to sleep.


After his shift was over,Jimin decided to meet with his best buddy,Taehyung,at a fast food place,both of them craving unhealthy food for some reason.

The younger poked the soda cup's lid with a metal straw and avoided Jimin's strong gaze.

"What did you do?"

"Gosh,Jimin,nothing" he rolled his eyes,munching on another french fry

"When will you stop getting tattoos?" Jimin sighed,looking at the heavily inked body in front of him.

Taehyung loved getting tattoos,they made him feel stronger,manlier.He started with small ones,simple words such as "art" or "singularity".As time passed,they became more elaborate–roses coiling around his bicep,lonely birds flying across his sternum and many other well thought designs.

Despite having a big number of tattoos,his favorite one had to be a small moon that matched with Jimin's sun,both of them placed on their pinky fingers.

The pair got them at 18 years old while being hella drunk,but they don't regret it at all.

It reminded them that they're different but complete each other,having a strong bond.Like ketchup and mustard...or salt and pepper–different but seen as a pair.

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