Chapter 5: Castle Walls

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The next day Vonnie didn't leave her side. "Are you gonna try and talk to them today?"

Eris' face burned with embarrassment as she tried to take notes in Computer class as Mrs. Noir rambled at the white board about the basics on coding. Mrs. Noir's hair was tied in a large braid that hung and dragged on the floor. Eris admired her clear skin, wide bright yellow eyes, thin frame and white fanged teeth. She was so pretty and she talked so proudly she couldn't help but want to be in her class all day, but today Vonnie couldn't let her breath. 

"Shh, before you get us in trouble," Eris whispered back.

"Stop holding back on me. Tell me everything. I know that there is more about the Ada-"

"Vonnie!!" Mrs. Noir hissed. She stopped writing the notes. Her large black pointed ears was long slender tail twitched. She didn't turn to face the class, but everyone froze at her tone. "What are you doing...?"

Vonnie sat back in her seat. The hair on the back of her neck was standing. "N-nothing, miss!"

"Are-Are you talking out of turn in my class?!" Her voice was high pitched as the words left her mouth. "Do I have to send you to the Principal's Office?!"

"NO! NO! Please forgive me!" She began to lightly shake, sweating. 

Mrs. Noir didn't say anything and and sighed after a moment. Her ears and tail relaxed. "I will forgive you just this once, now behave." Her voice went back to normal and slowly the students eased up. 


The bell rung and Mrs. Noir didn't give them homework as she waved sweetly as the students walked out the Library. Vonnie was first out but waited for Eris by the door. They walked together to the cafe to get a quick snack. Eris didn't want to talk about how she was saved by the three most popular guys at the school, and to add salt to the wound is that they are brothers! She couldn't believe that she didn't notice it sooner. She feels so lame for not knowing who they were. 

Vonnie ordered a Mint Tea and Eris got a Rose Tea. They sat down as the halls grew crowded and full of mindless chatter. Vonnie glanced around and placed her cup down on the table. "Where is Lilith and her little group." There was bitterness in her tone.

"Somewhere. Don't go crazy looking for them all the time," Eris sipped her tea, making her body warm as her lips touched it. She didn't even noticed she was cold. "Did they ever find the person that pulled Mandy under water?"

Vonnie rolled her eyes. "She got what she wanted," she huffed. "They sent her back home for a couple of days."

"Oh..., she'll be back before the ball right?"

"I don't know, but everyone is talking about it. She wanted the attention, now she's all over the schools newspaper."

Eris paused. "There's a newspaper? I haven't seen one?"

"Today is Thursday, the paper comes to the dorms on Mondays and Fridays." Vonnie took a sip of her drink. "I know a students that writes in the newspaper and she told me that Mandy was the main topic, overshadowing that "trip" Lilith had the other day."

Eris stared own into her Rose Tea. She watched the dark red liquid swirl in the light pink tea cup. She took a breath not wanted it's sweet taste anymore. "What happened between you and Lilith? You attack her any chance you get." 

Vonnie looked at Eris and sighed. "Don't worry about it, Eris. This isn't your fight. It's my kingdom."

"What does this have to do with you kingdom? This is school. You're training to be a Princess."

"You don't know what I'm fighting for!" Vonnie stood up and throw her drink in the trash. Storming off she left Eris having a chilling feeling in her spin. She frowned as she watched her stomp up the stairs and going to the back lockers. 

Eris finished her tea and thanked the cafe maid before checking the time. There was only five more minutes before Art Class started. Today he was gonna show off he best painting in class.

She hopes that he doesn't show the class her painting. She began walking up the stairs and she wanted to see if Vonnie was still at the back lockers, but she just walked past them and went toward the Art Classroom. She didn't see Dexter in the hall and hoped that he wouldn't be in class. Taking a breath she stepped into the classroom. Mr. Phil smiled as he heard the door closed.

"Evening, I see you are excited to see who I choose to show to class today."

Eris went to she seat and manged a smile. "Not really, sir. I just wanted to came in before the bell."

"I guess that is understandable." He nodded. 

The bell rings and students begin to file in. Mr. Phil began to lightly claim the class. Eris started to get her paints and brushes. She tried not to look at anyone, but she got a glance of Vonnie as she walked in. She don't even look at her. As she was walking back to her seat she noticed Dexter in his seat. He was setting up for today's lesson look everyone else but he looked, tense. She wanted to say something to him, but she didn't know what. She even noticed Lilith sitting with Charlotte and Holly, chatting. No one seemed to notice her anymore. 

Mr. Phil walked in front of the class and clapped his hands. The class quieted down and stared at him. A smile came across his face as the class payed attention. "Alright everyone, today is the day that I choose which painting was the best from last class period."

Everyone clapped, full of energy.

"Now," he started again," I would love to claim that all your painting the best, but some of you aren't skilled in the brush, and that's not something to be ashamed of." He walked over to his desk and pulled out a canvas with a long white sheet-like cover over it. The class grew excited. Chatter grew as people danced in their seat. Mr. Phil placed it down on a stand and stood next to it. "Royals love their art," he remarked out loud, lightly shaking his head. The class laughed and quieted down. "Are you ready to see who won?"

"Yes!" Everyone screamed.

He laughed and grabbed a corner of the sheet. "1...2...3," he snatched the sheet off the the canvas and everyone stood up to get a good look at the painting. They gasped and awed. Eris stood in her stool to see and she couldn't believe her eyes.

It was perfect.

It was grand.

It was .... beautiful

It was the Kingdom of the Everlasting Moon.....

Her kingdom... 



Thanks for waiting to reading this chapter! 

I have so much planed for this story and I have many more stories planned!!

Who do you think made that painting?!

Comment, Fav, and Tell me what you enjoyed so far!

Thanks!! and stay tuned!!


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