Chapter 11: Chaos-Winged Horse

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Eris stepped back from the door as he walked in. She knew  who he was. She remembered him from the other night. "I'm so sorry to bother you so late my dear, but you have a date to be getting to," he says. Passing her he puts Vonnie in a chair next to her desk and brush a few strands of hair out of her face. "Now," he says turning around. "Lets get you out of here."


"They wouldn't hear you. They're gone."

"Vonnie! Please wake up!" She yells.

His smiled grows wider. "She wouldn't be awake for a long time."

Eris backed away. Her body started to shake. Nothing she thought was good enough to get her out of this. Her powers isn't strong, Dexter and Jeremey can't save her, and her friend was even dragged into it. "What do you want? I know you were the one to pull Mandy under water."

"How smart of you. Any person would figure that out when they over hear something they shouldn't have." He steps closer. "You are in the way of my master's plan. Everyone is, dear."

"We could work something out, right?"

"No. I've been stuck here for too long watching all of you selfish, greedy spoiled brats live the life I've always wanted!" His hair began to glow. "You have no idea what it's like. Watching everyone else have fun, while you are stuck in a stupid school following another person's dream!"

She raised her hands, to keep distance between them. "B-but I do. I'm taking Queen classes!"

"Shut up," he slapped her hands away and grabbed her arms. "I've been here for 9 years. This is bigger then some classwork."

She eyes stared into his and she couldn't understand it. "What happened to you," she whispered.

His hair continued to glow, but his face went from angry to confused sadness. He opened his mouth but the room shaking stops him. The shaking makes cracks all across the ceiling and floor.

Before her eyes, Eris began to see the room she worked so hard to make her own, fall apart. Her bed breaks down, becoming nothing but a pile of covers and broken springs. The vanity falls over and shatters across the floor that was filled with drywall from the broken ceiling. A unearthly roar comes from outside of their dorm, and even more panic fills her heart. This place isn't gonna hold. "Vonnie!" She struggled to get out of his hold. "Vonnie, wake up!" 

Another large shake splits to floor wide open......... 

"Let me go! Vonnie! Vonnie, wake up! Wake up!"

Her heart pounded her chest so hard it hurt and her tears felt like boiling water being pour down her cheeks. It was like everything moved in slow motion as she continued to cry out to her friend's body that only rocked to the shaking and pieces of her broken room. It could everything in her to try and claw her way out of his grasp, but his hold was iron chains that heavy and too tight.

Just as her body almost gave up, the room gave one more shake and something flew into the room from the floor. It sent a shiver up her spin and sent a sharp flash in her head when it through the open ceiling. Before she could figure it out what it was that last thing she heard was him cursing under his breath, and the the quick moment she felt him loosen his grip. She used the last of her strength to pull him off of her and she watched as he stumble back and fall into the floor.

Keeping her back on the wall she manages to get to the other side of the room. Quickly she grabbed Vonnie and released that she didn't save the strength to get them both back to the other side. A roar rang in the air and they went falling. Closing her eyes, she believed that it was the end, but she was shocked when her body hit the cold water. 

Pushing Vonnie's bodies to the surface she crawls her way out and hides on the edge of the school. Beds, computers, decks. So many things were broken and thrown across the pool and the cliff leading to the bakery. Nothing seemed real. This isn't the school. This isn't Royale High, but no matter how hard she wished it wasn't it only made it more clear that it was. 


Her head pounded as she began to wake up. Her arms and legs were aching and when she tried move but it felt like trying to move rusted bars. Everything hurts, but she couldn't just lay here anymore then she did.

"Omg." Someone whispered a gasp as the sound of them running away. Seconds later more foot come and the voices started to sound familiar. "She's awake. I swear, I saw her movie this time."

"People can move in their sleep, V." Bella's voice was the furthest, but she could hear the annoyance in her tone.

Vonnie sighed. "She moved like a awake person. There. Happy?"

"Girls," his voice sounded deeper then normal. "She's awake, but we still need to let her rest."

Eris wanted to move her fingers, sit up and open her eyes, but her body was in too much pain to do anything. She nearly jumped when someone touched her hand.

"I'll keep watch up here for now," he said, but the hand didn't left from hers. After the sound of walking feet disappeared he sighed. It was long and it sounded like he was so tired. "I shouldn't have left you in the room. I should've been stronger. I should've been...." He stopped as his breathing grew faster. Eris could feel the weight he was carrying. She hears the chair creak as he shifted his weight. "After Jeremy and I got on to the patio, we were attacked. I fell. He was gone as soon as I woke up with a gash in my head."

She didn't want to hear this if she was gonna be honest. She didn't want to hear him say he was blame of his brother being taking. Eris was tired. Her body was tired from the stress he school. He mind was tired of the lies, the what-if's and the fact that no matter what happened, no matter how hard she wanted it to be, none of this school was normal. She wanted to forget the dance. She wanted to forget that feeling of anxiety when Dexter let go of her hand and how he disappeared from her vision within seconds. She wanted to forget that she was almost attacked in her sleep. She wanted to forget that They were just talking like normal students in her dorm, before everything had to fall apart right before her eyes. 

Every time she felt that nothing could get worse, the world managed to find a way to surprise her.

"Everyone were takin, Eris. They took everyone but you, me, Vonnie and Bella. We all found a way to hide from them as they took everyone else." His voice creaked as she could feel the cold tears hit her hand. "This wasn't meant to happen. We were meant to be one step ahead of them, but they could've figured it was us and speed up their plan before us." More tears. "I didn't know what to do. I felt so lost and alone." He squeezed her hand and the warmth comforted her a little while a pit of sadness began to fill her stomach as she so deeply wanted to wrap her arms around him and hug the sadness away for him. "We're in the remains of the English room right now. That creature hasn't returned for a while after I found you and Vonnie. I Never seen something like that in my whole life."

Eris knew. It took her a while to release, but she knew what he was talking about. There was only place were anyone would see a creature like that and he had every right to be confused. Thinking back to being held in the crumbling dorm room, she could remember it's roar only be chaos versions of it's normal call. A Star-winged horse are normally really sweet, shy creature. Not castle sized and angry. How would a Star-winged horse get here? The only people that could know about it in detail like she saw before that was everywhere near the school was herself and....




Sorry if this is really short, but I'm doing a lot of final planning so please hang in there with me!!!!!!!!

Thank you for reading  this chapter and following this story for this long!

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