Chapter 10: Evening

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Dexter grabbed her arm and pulled her to hid behind a baking station. Sebastian and Jeremy did the same. They listened to the person talk on the phone. Eris put a hand over her mouth to keep herself from making any noise.

"I don't know how she knew I was there, but I'm afraid she is catching on. After she hit me with her pillow it was like a light came on in her head. Of course, I was covered, but I blocked the pillow. When she noticed I was human she started screaming. She's a smart girl without her powers." The person sighed. "I have more people in my sights, but now that she is trying to put the pieces together, I'll have to get her out fast."

Eris was sure they were talking about her. When she looked at Dexter and his brothers they were so confused, but remained hidden. They knew that this person is a Royal and how they were talking that they weren't friendly.

"My Lord, please keep your cool. Things are still going as planned. The brothers are out of the infirmary." The person clicks something open. "The whole school is going to lose their minds when I leak that piece of information. Everyone is going to follow their lead and stay here. I just have to do some last minute planning before you could unrelease your greatest plan." The person stopped talking. "I have to go for now, My Lord." They quietly close their phone.

The air was thick as the person stopped talking. Eris bit her finger to keep from moving or saying anything. Dexter held her hand tighter. She didn't know if it was out of fear or if they were about to run.

"Hello~?" The person called out. "Who's in here?"

Jeremy and Sebastian looked at each other and nodded. Dexter sat up in a kneeling position, and held Eris hand in both of his. She looked at him and read his face. Don't let go of my hand. She gave him a nervous nod, readying herself to run. It came back to her that this is the third time they had to save her. She let it go for now as she knew that they needed her to follow their lead to get out of here without anyone getting hurt.

Their steps was slow coming up the steps. "I know you heard everything or at least a little too much. Come out now and I'll let you -"

The door slams open and someone yells in. "Hey, come on. We have to start packing! If you don't hurry I'll get your Ice Glam Brush!"

The person cheerfully call back. They ran back down the steps and out the door. When they heard the door closed, they all take a breath. Eris stood and helped Dexter up. "I know them!"

"What?" Jeremy glared confusingly.

"Wait... no. I don't know who they are, but I'm who they were talking about." Eris explained to them what happened last night and even how the principal didn't seem to believe her. They listened to her with worry and confused looks.

Sebastian sighed. "Alright. We have to think this through. This person has clearly been here for a while and based on what's been going on lately, this seems to only be the beginning of something terrible."

"They seem to know everything. Even about our recovery," Jeremy hissed. "We can never have a break." The group grew silent. Eris felt terrible and released that everyone in Royale High is carrying the stress of being a royal on top of the curse, and now someone is hunting down the students.

Hunting down.....

Eris gasped. "Mandy!"

"What?" Dexter looked at her even more confused. "Princess Mandy hasn't been here since that accident in the pool."

Sebastian snapped his fingers, "Wait. No one knows who pulled her under water."

"She was attacked, just like Eris." Jeremy continued. "She was the first person they attacked that we know of, other then you."

Eris took a breath and raised her hand. "Let's go through this slowly. I'm still trying to understand all this. So Mandy was attacked like me, but she was attacked while we were in class."

Jeremy agreed. "It was so odd that the teacher didn't even know who did it and last time anyone has talked to her, she was at home still. Someone updated her about the attack and she planned to stay in her kingdom until things get better."

They talked over everything they knew. They didn't have a lot of information, but the things they did know made a little sense. They sat on the bakery floor coming up with a plan. They planned that the brothers would come out of hiding before the traitor could leak the information. They would ask the principal to buff up protection around the school and trick everyone.

"So," Eris starts, "you're gonna make it clear that you guys are 'going to the the resort' to try and get as many students out of the school as possible?"

"We all are gonna sneak back into the school before they could ride off. After that we just have to try and find the traitor, stop them before they could hurt anyone else and question them." Sebastian says. "The one thing I want to know is how they were talking to on the phone."

"We were too far away to even hear the tone of the other person, but by who the traitor talked he sounded liked the sidekick. The one to get his hands dirty while, the ringleader sit back and watches the chaos." Dexter groaned. "But we have to hurry and get started before it's too late."

Jeremy grinned, "So, who is gonna tell everyone? Cause I'm not."

"Sebastian," Dexter says. "I hate talking in crowds and Jeremy wouldn't do it."

Sebastian sighed and stood up. "You guys are useless. I guess that's why I'm going be next in line through." He helps Eris up and says. "I have to finish a few things here. You guys sneak out and take Eris."

"We all just heard what the person was saying. They are going after people and they seem to know everything about everyone!" Eris lightly shook him. "You can't be left alone with everything happening!"

"First let go out him," Dexter came up behind her and pulled her from his brother. "I know that you're pretty upset from your night and the recent monster attack, but he can handle himself. He is strongest out of all three of us."


Taking her hand he starts pulling her down the stairs. "Come on now. Let's get you out of here."


"And send!" Eris cheered as she sent in the last part of her homework. "Ugh, I was almost late  because of you guys!" she turned around and glared at the guys laying in her bed. They had finished eating the snacks she spent so many of her diamonds on.

Dexter shrugged. "Sorry Eris. It was his idea."

"Yea. Sorry Princess," Jeremy yawned. "Maybe we should just stay here. Your bed is so soft and the covers smell like roses."


Before she could kick them out the sound of the front door opened. "Hey, Eris? Are you here?" Vonnie called out. The brother jumped up and looked at Eris for the next move. "Eris?" She knocks on the door.

"Give me a second!" She points to the patio door and helped them jump out of the bed and out the door.

"A-Are you okay in there?"


Closing the door she sighed and ran to the door. "Hey," she greeted as she opened the door.

"Evening Princess," he bowed as he held Vonnie's body in his arm. His hair was a firry red and his eyes shined in the light of the room. "It's nice to see you again."



Thank You For Reading This Chapter. I'm Really Proud Of It And Can't Wait To Show Everything Else This Story Has For You!

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