Chapter 9: Bakery Visit

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Her bones was still tense, even with the hot chocolate in her hands and the long fluffy blanket wrapped around her, she couldn't relax. She took at breath. "They weren't a ghost or a monster. When I hit them my pillow they blocked it with their arm. I saw that they were human."

The  Principal rubbed his eyes. He looked as if they just yanked out of his bed. "Princess," he lets out a sigh, "are you sure that's what happened? Are you sure you just forgot to close your patio door? It has been windy the past few days. The wind could've opened it and you could've dreamed of someone sneaking into your room."

"No," Eris argued. "I wasn't dreaming. I wouldn't be so careless to just leave my patio door open  after what just happened a few days ago." She glanced around, taking in that it was only them in his office with the fire place freshly burning. It gave the room a warm glow, but she shivered. " Where is Vonnie," Eris says arching her brows at him. 

He walked over to his deck and sits down. Closing his eyes, he rubs them. "She is talking to the other teachers at the moment. A few others are searching around the campus to see if they see anyone sneaking around. I'm sorry for upsetting you, but so far there is no evidence that anyone was in your room."

"I know what I saw."

"I'm not saying you're lying, but we just haven't found anything yet." He lets out a small sigh before saying, "We have set up another room for you to sleep in for a while. Also does this change your option on where you would be staying bring the break?"

Eris shrugged, but shook her head. "I'm still unsure about that. I'll try and come up with an answer tomorrow."

"It's fine, Princess Eris. Is there anything else you would like to say before we send you to your temporary room?"

She felt wrong for saying no and letting him take the mug and blanket off her. When she stood up it was like she was in trouble and she was just leaving detention. He walked her to the room. It was small. There was only enough room for a modest sized bed, a small desk and a bathroom. It smelled as if it hasn't been used in years as it smelled like cotton. The Principal wished her sweet dreams and left after she walked into the room. With the door closed she noticed that there was a small lamp on the desk, giving off cheap yellow light, and that it was the only light in the room. 

There wasn't a window, and it hurt a bit that it gave her a bit of peace. She couldn't  see the moon, but she could feel it through the thick walls. Sitting on the bed for a moment she just stays there staring at the floor. 

How did she get here? She came here to become Queen, but she is now sitting in a old room after someone broke into her dorm. Did Garnet go through this? Sadness hit her heart again, as she knew that she could never answer that. As the seconds go by she slowly began to lay down and crawl herself in a ball. Tears flooded her eyes as she finally let the loneliness eat her whole.

She let all the thoughts she tried so hard to push down rush into her mind. Her body began to shake as her lips moved to ask herself, "Why did I ever think I could do this?" She sniffed. "Was she ever this lonely?"

She continued to cry as she let all the years of loneliness flow out of her. As she sobbed her chest started to hurt. She wanted her sister. She wanted to go home. She wanted to be trained like the way her sister was. She was hurt that they sent her away instead of training her themselves. Was she too much work to train? She felt that she could never be the Queen her sister was gonna be. She's still learning about ruling a kingdom and being in this school doesn't help.


Eris went through the day by keeping to herself. She spent her free time in the library. She would pick up a book and flip through the pages, not really reading anything. Maybe this break is what she needs. The dance felt so long ago, but she could still feel the panic she felt when Dexter had to leave with his brother. She hasn't felt good ever since then. After school was over, she skipped on doing her homework for a while to walk around the campus.

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