The scent of burnt sugar

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When quirks first came into being, it all started with a radiant glow coming from a newborn in Qingqing city. Before long, more and more children were born with extraordinary gifts. They were the first generation Quirk users, among the families were adults and teens that were considered Pre gen users, it was as if the appearance of quirks awakened latten bloodlines. These Bloodlines, for example, in Japan, were families such as shrine families and the beast quirk users, they were more than just simple Mutation quirks. In the beginning, these beast quirk users became treated as demons from old. Gifted with long life on top of everything else they were able to do. They stayed within their communities due to the fear they brought even amongst other early quirk users. Japan is just one of those countries that were not only seeping in tradition and culture but also many folklores about Ookami, Kitsune, and the like. It was understandable that people were frightened of the stories of old coming to life.

One of these Demon families were the Wolf demons. The family's head was someone that could stockpile other quirks. He was part of the Pre-Gen members of quirk society. He ruled over his family as the Alpha making sure the line was not only carried on but made to be more robust by bringing in different quirks to blend with the demon quirk. Despite the long lives of these beast quirk users, they were pushed by their Alpha to up their numbers to not only past down their family's quirk but also to have more members to keep them safe.

While at first, most people viewed such things as traditional arraigned marriages, it wasn't long before the world saw the unjustness of these 'quirk marriages' and began putting a stop to them. That didn't stop everyone from doing them, and indeed not the Beast quirk users as they couldn't help but be driven by animal instinct and human greed for more powerful mates and offspring.

After eight generations of quirk users and society coming to an understanding of the many different quirks in the world, only eighty percent of the world's population was born with quirks currently. Over the years, one occupation came to the forefront for those with strong quirks, Being a Hero. The drive to be number one pushed some of the hero's to participate in quirk marriages, such as The Flame Hero Endeavor, making him the prime pick for the head of the wolf family. Even though he was already married to an ice quirk user, Endeavor was asked to be a breeding pair with the heads Granddaughter, one of their strongest beast quirk users. Though that's what Endeavor was told on the relation, he wasn't entirely sure. In exchange for a high sum of money, Endeavor agreed to be the sire for their lines next generation, and so a child was born.


"Grandfather, she's lovely, isn't she?" The mother held her child tenderly to her as she beamed up to her grandfather.

"Hm, Admittedly, she is. What would you like to call her?" As the sunset glimmered through the open window, clouding the man in shadow obscuring his face.

"How about utilizing the kanji from 遠吠え (tooboe or howling), using the on'yomi reading and the kanji 月(Tsuki or moon); therefore, her name would be Haitsuki (吠月). Do you think it goes okay with my surname Fuyuka?" (Fuyu 冬 "winter" ka 華 "Flower" Fuyuka, surname, Can be read as Fuyuhana) Still gazing up at her grandfather, she pauses excitedly for his answer.

"It's an excellent name, my dear. It refers to not only her main quirk but also her coloring much as your names do for you." The mothers' grandfather steps forward, taking the baby from her to get a better observation. The mother was happy, allowing it.

"Do you sincerely think so? I was anxious she would look like her sire, Though I respect your selection grandfather, and I know that it is for the good of our family and pack, I still do not like nor trust that so-called Hero" The mother made a face of discomfort at the thought of her daughters' sire.

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