18. Love you goodbye

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Miss Parker had the great idea of ​​going shopping to buy some souvenirs, I bought a magnet for my mother and a snowball for Peter, since he collects them and I know he will be delighted . The girls have been taking me from store to store to keep me from thinking about Reece and partly it has worked, I can't have better friends.

In the afternoon, after going to the heated pool of the hotel, we go to the night activity of the day: talent show. We arrived 20 minutes late thanks to Amy who has been half an hour in the shower. We have insisted on Hannah to take part, since she has a good voice but she refuses because her hair is rebellious today. Surely it's an excuse because she's ashamed. We sit down and greet Blake who is on the other side of the room with guys from his high school. I'm looking for George and Reece but they're not there, on the one hand I'm relieved to not see Reece after the fight we had last night but the other part of me wants to see him.

"The next performer is.... Reece Bibby. Get on the stage! " the presenter of the show announces. My eyes are wide open when I hear his name and I can see that all my friends are also surprised. Unlike the girls from Reece's own school, who applaud with euphoria. Blake and George look at each other confused but at the same time I can feel some complicity between them.

"Did you know he can sing?" asks Hannah amazed without looking away from Reece who is resting the guitar on his lap.

"No, I didn't." I simply murmur. Still unsure of what is happening. Reece takes the mic and tap on the top of it three times, drawing our attention.

"I want to dedicate this song to the person who has given meaning to it, she knows exactly who she is. It's called Love you Goodbye. Thank you very much ", says Reece while placing the microphone at the height of his mouth. He plays some chords on his guitar and starts singing.

It's inevitable everything that's good comes to an end
It's impossible to know if after this we can still be friends, yeah
I know you're saying you don't wanna hurt me
Well, maybe you should show a little mercy

In another situation, I would have loved that he had dedicated a love song to me, I would be the happiest girl in the world. But the fact that Reece has decided to sing this, it causes me everything but joy. The pain is present in his voice and I do not know if my heart can stand seeing how singing this destroys him even more. Not only him, but me too.

Hey, hey, hey
Oh, why you wearing that to walk out of my life?
Hey, hey, hey
Oh, even though it's over you should stay tonight
Hey, hey, hey
If tomorrow you won't be mine
Won't you give it to me one last time?

Tears begin to fall down my cheeks and I do nothing to hide them. I do not want to pretend that I'm fine, because the truth is that I'm devastated. When Reece sings the first line, Blake looks sadly at me remembering that I was wearing his sweater.

Oh, baby, let me love you goodbye

Unforgettable together, held the whole world in our hands
Unexplainable, a love that only we could understand, yeah
I know there's nothing I can do to change it
But is it something that can be negotiated?
My heart's already breaking, baby, go on, twist the knife

It does not matter if the other girls see me crying, if Miss Parker discovers that I have had a relationship with a boy from another school under her supervision. I do not give a shit about those things. I have fallen in love with Reece and within a few hours, he will no longer be by my side. He will go away and I will not be able to do anything except to miss him.

One more taste of your lips just to bring me back
To the places we've been and the nights we've had
Because if this is it then at least we could end it right
Oh, baby, let me love you goodbye

"I love you" I whisper under my breath, knowing that he can't hear me. I want to shout it from the rooftops, go to his hugs and stay in his arms forever. I want to kiss him in front of everyone but I know I can't. We just can't.


"Giselle, you have to come down and say goodbye" Hannah insists for the millionth time, trying to get me out of the room.

"I do not want to see how he goes, do not you understand?" I exclaim irritably. The time has come for the boys to leave, right now they will be going down with their suitcases to the hotel hall, waiting for the bus to take them back home.

"You know what I understand? That you're a damned selfish and coward. "Hannah suddenly yells and I take a step back from surprise. Did she just call me selfish?

"Selfish? I? You do not know shit what I'm going through. I don't want to see how he leaves my life forever, just thinking about the fact that I'm not going to see him tears me apart. But what are you going to know about that? If you've never lost anyone. You don't know what the farewells are. "I shout back more and more pissed off. If there is something that I hate more than being called selfish, it is that they shout at me.

"I broke up with Tommy a few days ago. You would have known if it was not because you've been with the guys all this time and you have not stopped to talk to me about anything other than Reece. So yes, you are a selfish fool. "A bucket of ice water falls on me as I listen to the words of Hannah, who has started crying from impotence. I start to feel bad when I realize that she is right, I have not asked anything about Tommy since the last time. I am a terrible friend.

"Oh god, Hannah, I'm sorry .." I start to say approaching her but she raises her hand in my direction, making me shut up.

"No, let me finish. Do you know why you are more selfish? "She asks accusingly and I shake my head, unsure if I can hold my composure for long. "Because you're just thinking about what you're suffering, have you stopped to think how Reece will feel when he leaves? When he sees that you're not going to say goodbye to him? He sure will also have a lot of things going around in his head but you only worry about yours. "Hannah finished. "And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to say goodbye to the guys." She leaves the room and I finally let the tears fall which I have been avoiding since this discussion began. I had never fought like that with Hannah, she has never been the kind of girl who lose her temper about stupid things, making me see the gravity of the matter.

As if something were clicking on my head, I run out of the room to the elevator.

"Come on, let's go," I mutter as I give the elevator button multiple times as if that would make it reach my plant faster. Impatient and afraid of not arriving on time, I decide to go down the stairs quickly. I've got to get there. I have to say goodbye.Once I get to the hall, I curse the fact that I stopped exercising because now I'm out of breath. I go quickly through the hall looking both ways, hoping to find the heads of the boys among so many people. I start to panic when I see that people are leaving the hotel, making me go faster. I see Blake's hair and I run to him. Seconds later I was already in Blake's arms, both almost crying. I'll miss this fool so much.

"Promise me you'll call me often. Pinky Promise? "I ask extending my little finger to him and he intertwines hers.

"You will not get rid of me so easily." He assures me, but a part of me, the insecure part, tells me that we'll talk for a couple of days but then, the messages will become less, shorter calls to the point of not having more. But I trust Blake.


"Reece is on his way to the bus. So if you want to say goodbye to him, you'd better run. "Blake responds as if he knew from the first moment that I was going to ask about him. I give him one last hug and I run out in search of the blonde.

When I arrive at the hotel door, about to give up, I see Reece about to get to the bus. My heart begins to beat faster in my chest and with the little strength that remains in my legs, I run at full speed, pushing people out of my way.

"Reece! Please, wait!" I scream with my whole being, hoping it is enough for him to stop but he doesn't seem to hear me.

He's already gone.

"Goodbye" I whisper. 

Goodbye. It all ended with one simple word which held thousand emotions behind it. It held a thousands of heart ache. It held lot of pain, tearing our hearts apart.

The end

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