♧daze chapter 11♧

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Alexis's POV
It's been a week since everything happened I've visited devin as much as i can it just doesn't feel right him not being here i haven't talked to ariana nor liam camila&stiles have really helped me and still are I'm so glad to have them as my real  you can go ahead and say I'm petty but i do the care why? If you don't understand then you never will I'm sorry it's the cold hard truth as i sit on this park bench i see someone who looks familar

"Alexis?" He asks

"Krist?" I ask

"Hey dude what's up?" He asks hugging me i hug back "omg i haven't seen you in forever i missed you buddy" i say smiling

"You as well" he says smiling

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"I just started here" he says smiling

"Awesome it will be just like middle/high school again nerdy outsiders" i say laughing

"Wouldn't have it any other way bestie" he says smiling

I sigh and he notices "everything okay?"

"Not really" i say looking down

"Wanna tell your old bestfriend?" He asks

I chuckle "your a dork" i say smiling

"I know but still what's going on?" He asks

I sigh "long story short my rommate&i are together but he's in jail" i say

"Huh?" He asks

I sigh "it's a long story that would be best told over binge watching hulu,snacks,ice cream, and sodas" i say smiling

"We can hang at your dorm i have dorm to myself" he says smiling

"What? How?" I ask smiling

"I have resources" he simply says

"Umm okay" i say smiling

"How are you after collin?" He asks

I stop walking and freeze i sigh "still the same" i say going again

He sighs "I'm sorry i should have asked I haven't been the same since his death either"

"With everything going on i don't even know what to" i say

"How long is in for?" Krist asks

"I don't yet his trial is tommrow" i say sighing

"I'll be there for you" krist says smiling

"You were always you are my second best friend" i say smiling

"Who's the first?" He asks

I give him a look that says "really?"

He nods "got it" he says smiling

"Hey girly" Camila says smiling

"Heyyy"  i say smiling

"Who's this?" She asks

"My bestfriend from middle/highschool krist dawson" i say smiling

"Nice to meet you" she says smiling

"Sup guys?" Stilies asks

"Nothing what are y'all up to?" I ask

"Nothing much and hey bro" stilies says smiling

"Hey I'm krist her old bestfriend well one of them" he says

I roll my eyes "shut it" i say laughing

Flashback to middle school》

"Eww it's alexis" kaylee says laughing

"Leave me alone kaylee" i say annoyed

"Nah i love messing with you and that outfit is so last year" she says laughing with her minions

"Leave her alone kaylee" krist says annoyed

"Aww your boyfriend gonna save you?" She jokes

"He's not my boyfriend" i say annoyed

"Well might as well be since your up each other's asses anyways" she says smiling

I had braces and wore glasses so kaylee and her minions used that to their advantage

"Kaylee? She metal mouth" keellee says smiling

Kaylee laughs "ah hahaha metal mouth" she says smiling

I sigh "just leave me alone" i say annoyed

"Fine your boring us anyways" keellee says pushing me i fall and my books and binders fall

Krist helps me up and gets my things for me i smile "thanks" i say smiling

"Sure thing hey wanna hang out?" He asks

"Sure" i say smiling

And ever since then we were inseparable except when we were gonna go to different colleges and lost touch but now he goes to mine lol

End of flashback》

"Wow you helped her with bullies?" Camila asks

"Yep kaylee was the queen bee and thought she was everything" he says rolling his eyes

"So y'all hung out?" Stilies asks

"Yep we used to talk about minecraft and video games things of that nature" i say smiling

"Nothing wrong with video games i just got cod 3 wanna play?" Stilies asks

"2 things 1 that's been out for a while now and 2 Obviously let's do teamdeath match!" I beam

"4 of us verses 12 see if we can do it" krist says

"I know we can" camila beams

"Let's get snacks and play!" I beam

A/N: how will devin's trial go? Will he get life or less? See you in the next chapter

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