Surprise! Chapter 14

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Alexis's POV
I was sitting in the dorm room editing some vlogs and editing some chapters and drafts for my story when their's a knock on the door

"I'm coming!" I say getting up

I open the door and my jaw drops to the ground my eyes widen "what are you doing here?" I ask shocked

"I got out of jail on good behavior they said if i messed up my parole I'd go back meaning i can't leave the country nor state until my next trial" devin says smiling

I smile "I'm so glad your back!" I beam hugging him he hugs back "me too love would like to have dinner with me?" He asks

I smile "I'd love too" i say smiling

▪phone beeps▪
Text message from krist

Krist: hey girly wyd?

Alexis: you'll never guess what!!!

Krist: what?

Alexis: DEVIN IS OUT OF JAIL!!! 👏👏👏👏

Krist: what? That's awesome! I have to meet him!👏👏👏

Alexis: you can tommrow if you wanna meet us in the cafeteria at 9am?

Krist: yep I'll see you tommrow girl later

Alexis: bye bestie 😄

"Who was that?" Devin asks

"My old bestfriend from middle/highschool you'll meet him tommrow" i say smiling

"Him?" He asks

I furrow my eyebrows "yes it's a guy so what?" I ask

"I was just seeing if i heard you right" he says unsure

"If it makes you feel any better he's gay" i say smiling

"He is? I didn't know this" devin says

"Yeah i didn't either until he told me" i say shrugging

"Okay" he says

{We head to a fast food restaurant that has out door seating we order some food and sit down and eat}

"Soooo how was prison?" I ask shaking my head

He sighs "i know it hurt you when i left but i promise you I'm done with it" he says taking my hand

"So you paid kendall off?" I ask

"I will when he gets out of jail which is in 5 months" Devin says

I nod "alright i can't handle it again" i say looking down

"You won't trust me when i say I'm here for you" he says smiling

"Okay" i simply say

{After we eat we head to the shore and walk around}

"Hey i umm have to confess something" i say unsure

"What's that?" He asks

"I almost thought about not coming to see you" i say looking down

He nods "i understand why you were hurt" he says nodding

"Yeah i probably already told you this but if collin didn't come see me at his grave i probably wouldn't have but collin Obviously likes you and see something in you" i say smiling

"So I've got his approval?" He asks

I smile "pretty much he hated my ex's but you he actually likes you" i say smiling

He chuckles "I'm glad he does and I'm sad that i couldn't meet him" he says

I nod "even after what you did he likes you it's crazy my only thought was "what would collin think of this?" And sure enough i got my answer" i say smiling

He smiles "yes you do and I'm glad of it"

"Me too couldn't see a world without you annoying the crap out of me" i joke

"And i couldn't imagine a world without you yelling at me after i annoy you" he says smiling

I shake my head "we are the oddest freaking couple" i say smiling

He nods and notices my new tattoos "new tattoos?" He asks

"Yeah i got a rose on my fore arm, "angel" on my left hand ring finger, 3 stars on my neck, and on my right wrist "collin" rip" i say smiling

He nods "nice"

I sigh "i hope you aren't offended i got the stars for collin i can remove his name" i say unsure

He laughs "no beautiful, collin was special to you i don't mind just as long as my name is on your heart" he says smiling

I smile "oh yeah i got another tattoo and you should as well" i say showing him it's on my shoulder "always"

His face lights up "I'm gonna do it right now let's go!" He beams

I chuckle "he's so crazy" i beam

{We head to a local tattoo palor and he gets the tattoo "always" on his left shoulder}

I smile "hey miss want any new ink?" The guy asks

"Hmm, can you do on my collar bone?" I ask

"Sure of what?" He asks

I smile "breathin" i say smiling

"Sure sit down" he says smiling

I do and get the tattoo done

"Why breathin?" Devin asks

"Because, this song reminds me of collin and he always taught me to just keep breathin" i say smiling

He smiles "i love you so much" he says smiling

I smile "i love you so much too and are you sure Collin's name being on me doesn't bother you?" I ask

"What kind of boyfriend would i be to yell,scream, or holler at you for having your brother/bestfriend's name on it who's passed away? I'd be a dick of a boyfriend and i don't wanna lose you also i understand baby trust me nothing will change the way i feel about you" he says smiling

I smile and hug him he hugs back "another reason i fell for you your so understanding!" I beam

He smiles "i try to be" he says shrugging

{We head back to the dorm and fall asleep next to each other omg I've missed him so much I'm so glad he's back in my arms}

A/N: aww this chapter i swear omg! See you in the next one!

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