details? chapter 6

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Alexis's POV
Ughh back to school i miss the weekend :/ anyways here's my outfit for the day

Alexis's POV Ughh back to school i miss the weekend :/ anyways here's my outfit for the day

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I straighten my hair apply some make up and head to meet the girls

《At school》

"Hey girls!" I beam

"Ahem" the guys say

"And guys sorry" i say sitting down and putting my bag in the seat next to me

"Details!" Ariana beams

I look confused "what?" I ask

"You're most recent vlog "my secret crush" camila asks smiling

I sigh "I'll say later"

"Oooo oookaaayyy" ariana says

"Your extra" i say annoyed

"I know honey" she says flipping her hair

"I love how alexis hasn't said i word to us" devin says

I roll my eyes "hi liam! Hi Stiles! And hi devin" i say scratching my arm

He winks at me i blush "alexis you okay?" Stilies asks

"What? Why?" I ask nervously

"You seem off" he says thinking

"Nah it's just you" i say smiling

I look at devin and he shakes his head laughing he mouths "liar"

I make sure no ones looking and flip him off with my tongue out

He smirks and mouths "when? Where? And how hard? Princesca?"

I blush at the word "pincesca"

"Earth to alexis!" Camila says

"Huh?" I ask

She laughs "the bell rang werido" she says leaving with stiles

I grab my bag and head to class i take my sit as everyone crowds in

"Good morning class please welcome our new guest devin whittenmore!"  Professor johnkie says

{F.M.L. FR}

"And we are doing partner projects! Devin sit with alexis!" Professor johnkie beams

{He hates me doesn't he? What did i do to him? He's a cool teacher}

"Lost in love?" Devin asks sitting down

"Hahaha what's that?" I ask sarcastically

He laughs "you haven't had a boyfriend?"

"No i have just they proved to me how unloyal they were" i say sighing

"Ouch I'm sorry" he says taking my hand

I smile "it's fine really I'm going for someone else anyways" i say smiling

He blushes

{God his eyes they look like those damn piercing green eyes fuck why is he so damn attractive?}

"ALEXIS?" he screams

"WHAT?" i scream back

"The mr johnkie was asking you a question" he says

"Oh yes sir?" I ask

"What is the square root of 8?" He asks

"2.82842712475  " i say smiling

He nods "correct" he says smiling

"Smart girl just my type" devin says with a wink

《After school》

"Spill your secret crush" ariana beams

I sigh "fine it's devin okay?" I ask

"Awwwww do you wanna have his baby?" Camila asks

"CAMILA!" i scream

She laughs "I'm teasing you jeez" she says crossing her arms

"Do you wanna kiss him?" Ariana asks

"Already have it was heaven" i blurt then cover my mouth

Their eyes widen "What? When? Where?" Ariana asks

"When i went to the shore i had a break down over collin  and he kissed me surprisingly it calmed me down" i say smiling

"Aww he's so sweet" camila beams

"Yes he is i just don't wanna make the first move" i say

"Girl it's the 21st century girls can ask guys out" she says

Author: Meanwhile the readers are screaming "JUST GO ASK HIM OUT" 🤣🤣🤣

I sigh "i don't wanna make things akward i get shy sometimes him them damn eyes" i say

They laugh "your smitten" camila says

"Oh please" i say annoyed

"Alexis? Can i tell you a secret?" Ariana asks

"Sure" i say shrugging

She moves closer to me and to my ear "JUST ASK HIM OUT FOR FUCK SAKES" she screams

"OWWWW!" I scream smacking her head

"HEY!" she screams

"FUCK! THAT HURT" i scream annoyed

"Just do it" camila asks

I roll my eyes "i wil when I'm ready have y'all forgotten I've been cheated on??" I ask

"Honey? He's not them" camila whispers

I sigh and head back to my dorm i see devin on his laptop typing something

"Writing a love letter?" I joke

"Actually yes i am" he says

"I was joking" i say grabbing my pjs

He closes his laptop and sits next to me "what's wrong?" He asks

"Nothing" i say

He kisses me i kiss back "what's holding you back from me?" He asks

I sigh "I've been cheated on before and we just met" i say

He moves closer and whispers ever so softly "when you really care about someone time doesn't matter and princesca? I'm not him " he says sending chills down my spine

A/N: whoa! Devin likes her back! GET TOGETHER ALREADY! Sorry i had a moment see you in the next chapter :)

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