Duck and Cover

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        We both quickly jump away from each other as if we were doing something bad. Duckie’s face turns a slight pink as he looks at the ground. Is he blushing? Oh, my gosh. Were we going to kiss?

“What are you two doing out of the lunchroom?” Mr. Banks, the janitor, waddles towards us.

“We were just getting her backpack,” Duckie says gesturing towards my bag on the ground.

Mr. Banks looks at me and frowns. “Say, I thought you were into that Andie girl?”

“Who? Oh!” Duckie hits his head with the palm of his hand. “I was…I mean I am! What? Do you think…Caroline and I…”

“Nothing was happening, sir,” I say as Duckie stumbles around his words.

Mr. Banks nods pushing his mop bucket down the hall past us. “Stay out of trouble.”

        I sit down next to my bag and put my head in my hands. Duckie was going to kiss me. He just questioned who Andie was. My heart is still hammering in my chest and my hands are sweating. What just happened? I need to get air, right now! I grab my bag and run towards the stairs. I don’t hear Duckie’s shoes following me which I have mixed feelings about, but I literally cannot breathe.

        I push my way past people and out the front doors. I need to get home or anywhere other than here. I spin around trying to focus on where I parked my car. My head is spinning faster than I am, and I fall on my knees. What have I done? Duckie will know that I have some sort of feelings towards him now!

“Are you okay?”

I look up and see the last person I ever wanted to see. “I’m fine, Andie.”

        Her short red hair is tucked perfectly under her hand-decorated hat. She holds out her hand to help me up. I don’t take it, but I stand up anyhow. My legs feel wobbly and I begin to feel sick. I’m not sure if it’s because the she-devil is standing in front of me or because I almost kissed Duckie. Her eyes are red and puffy like mine probably are as well.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

She smirks and wipes under her eyes. “No, but that’s what happens when you let someone walk on you.”

“Hmm,” I say glancing at her dress that she obviously made herself to match the hat.

“Why are you so upset?” She tilts her head. “Girls like us have to stick together.”

“Like us?” I’m not an ignorant she-devil.

“You know,” she nods to a couple richies. “The exiled.”

“Duckie almost kissed me,” I blurt out and then immediately regret it.

She frowns, but only out of obvious disgust. “That’d make me cry too.”

I laugh and wipe my tears with my hands. “But for the opposite reason I am.”

“Huh?” Suddenly, she realizes as her eyes get wide. “You actually like Duckie?”

I nod and look at my feet. “Yeah, I do.”

“Well,” she clears her throat, “You should be happy. If you like him, why are you crying that he tried to kiss you?”

“Because he didn’t.”

“Why not?”

“A janitor scared us,” I chuckle. “It seems stupid for me to cry, right?”

She nods, but then says, “Not at all. You’re scared and that’s okay.”

“Can I ask you something?”

Andie straightens up. “Sure, go ahead.”

“Why don’t you like Duckie? He’s done all he can to show you how much you mean to him. He’s gone above and beyond what most guys do.”

        She blushes and shuffles the books in her hands. “I like him, but only as a friend. Maybe even a little less than that. I’m not sure why. I don’t have the heart to tell him that though. I mean, you know how sweet he is. I’d hate to break his heart.”

“Maybe that’s what he needs though,” I say picking up my backpack. “He deserves to know that his effort is useless.”

        I push past her and trudge towards my car. Duckie tried to kiss me. Andie just admitted what I always knew. And I’m skipping my algebra exam. I fling open the door and throw my bag into the back seat. I give the school one last look and see Duckie. Talking to Andie. He’s probably telling her how great she is. My face pales when I see Andie point to my car. Oh, no. What is she saying? Duckie makes eye contact with me and starts walking towards my car. I panic and quickly get in. I start the engine and whip out of the parking lot. 

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