Flying High

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        My mind wanders about as I sit silently in the pale moonlight in my room. I stare at the blue dress hanging on the back of my door. The dress that I cried in. The dress that I danced in. The dress that Duckie kissed me in. I feel my cheeks blush even though I am alone.

        I turn over on my bed to face my nightstand. My fingers reach out and touch the button on my record player. The disk begins to spin as I place the needle down. Lionel Richie’s Say You, Say Me begins playing quietly, echoing in my room.

        “Say you, say me, say it for always,” I sing softly with the track.

        I push myself out of my bed and walk to my window as I continue singing along. This was another thing I took from Duckie’s house. I wonder if he knows. He has almost every record ever made. A part of me knows it’s because he had to give a reason for being at TRAX other than to see Andie. I slide my window open and poke my head outside. I can’t sleep.

        It’s been twenty-six hours since Duckie and I danced, and kissed. My mouth turns up into a smirk. I cannot believe it happened! I walk back to my bed and lie back. How can it be that he finally loves me? The song hits the bridge and I jump up and dance. I have too much energy to sleep! Duckie loves me!

        I hear a chuckle from my window and I quickly spin to see who caught me acting like a complete dancing idiot. I bite my lip. I was singing and dancing! Oh, great. Duckie slides in my window and falls onto the floor.

        “Shhh!” I hush him as he starts laughing at himself. “You’ll wake my parents!”

        He holds his hand up for me to help him. “I can tell you right now, that is not my intention.”

        “Well, that’s good because,” I roll my eyes and grab his hand.

        He cuts me off by pulling me onto the floor with him. We both giggle quietly. I try to get up, but he holds me down smiling his big goofy grin. I can’t help but to smile back. His hand goes up behind my neck gently and guides my head to his. Our lips touch for the third time, and I feel just as surprised as the first time. How can I be kissing Duckie?

        “Pumpkin Bear,” my dad’s groggy voice says from my door. “Everything all right? Where are you?”

        I pull away from Duckie and motion for him to stay quiet. I pop up from the side of my bed. “Here I am, Dad.”

        “I heard a noise. Are you okay?” He rubs his eyes.

        I nod. “Yeah, I fell off my bed.”

        “Why are you listening to music?”

        “To help me sleep.”

        He shrugs, turns away and shuts my door. “Good night.”

        Duckie pops up next to me. “So, Pumpkin Bear…”

        I push him back onto the floor. “Shut up.”

        I climb up onto my bed and make room for Duckie to lie next to me. He stands up and I take in his outfit trying not to laugh. His tastes are completely different from the norm. He has a red Hawaiian shirt underneath a dark green vest. His mustard colored jacket, bolo tie, and black skinny jeans. As he situates himself beside me, I take notice of his white sneakers. He puts his arm around me and with the other, holds my hand. I feel all his rings and sigh.

        “What’s wrong? I just got here. Did I already mess something up?”

        I laugh into his chest. “No, I’m sighing because I’m happy.”

        “And what, my love, has made you so happy?”

        I look up at him. “You.”

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