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“Moi?” he asks raising an eyebrow.

I nod and kiss him on the cheek. “Yes you.”

“Well, I’m glad I could be of service,” he pauses. “Pumpkin Bear.”

I bite my cheek. “Don’t do that.”

“I can add it to my list of names for you.”

I move away to see him better. “You have a list?”

“Just a mental one.” He winks and then scoffs at himself for attempting to be cute.

I don’t let him know he’s always cute to me. “I don’t believe you.”

He crosses his legs and sits facing me. “Doll-Face is one of my favorites because have you ever seen yourself?”

“Only every day, Duckie,” I say blushing and looking at his legs. “Next one?”

He bites his lip and almost makes me grab his face and kiss him. “Well, I think Pumpkin Bear will be my next favorite.”

I groan. “Gross, Duck. That’s what my dad calls me. I don’t want my boyfriend calling me that.”

He tilts his head in confusion. “What?”

“Yeah, that guy that came in here, he’s my dad.”

“No, not that,” he smirks, but still obviously confused. “Your…boyfriend?”

        My heart begins to pound a million miles a minute. Am I not supposed to assume he’s my boyfriend? No, no, no, no. I feel the color leave my face as I look away from him. My mind starts to race through all that had happened in the past forty-eight hours. I guess we never verbally said we were a couple, but we both admitted to loving each other. Does that make us together?

“Hey, love,” he grabs the back of my head and makes our foreheads touch. “I’m kidding.”

“Oh, my gosh, Duckie!” I push him away. “You’re a jerk.”

He chuckles under his breath. “Is that your nickname for me?”

“No, your nickname is Duckie, Phil,” I say mocking him.

        He lies back down and holds out his arms for me to lie with him. I cross my arms and look away. He almost gave me a heart attack. He sits up and shows me his cute grin again as he grabs my arms. I fall down on top of him. We cuddle until my record finally stops. I sit up and realize he fell asleep. He’s starting to sweat, and I can totally see why. With two shirts and a jacket, it’s making me sweat just looking at him. I gently try to take his jacket off of him.

He stirs and without opening his eyes he mumbles, “Andie, stop that.”

        My hands freeze. I take a deep breath. He didn’t mean it. He’s sleeping. I finally get his jacket off and toss it on the floor. I unbutton his vest and slide it off of him as well. I move to his feet and start untying his sneakers.

“You know,” he says sleepily. “Not many girls try to get me out of my clothes.”

I laugh. “Not many?”

“Okay,” he yawns. “Only you have.” He sits up and scrunches his forehead at me. “What are you doing?”

“You’re sweating,” I say, holding his shoelaces, not sure if I should let him do it now.

“Do you want me to stay here with you?”

        I look into his eyes and see that not only is he sleepy, he’s serious. Why wouldn’t I want him to stay here? I rack my mind for a reason that he should go. There’s no school tomorrow, it’s Sunday. My parent’s leave early for work and know not to come in my room to wake me up. Why wouldn’t I want him here?

“Do you want to say here with me?”

He leans over to me and kisses me softly. “Yes.”

        He kicks off his shoes and pulls me back down with him. We cover up and cuddle again. I fall asleep with my head on his chest. 

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