Duck Fight

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“Okay, first of all,” he says holding his cheek. “Ow!”

        I cross my arms suddenly feeling bad about slapping him. He deserved it though, right? I am his best friend, and his girlfriend. He should love me more than Andie. I look into his hurting hazel eyes and my heart sinks. I need to break up with him.

“And I know she doesn’t love me,” he rubs his cheek a little. “But in time-”

I hold up my hand to stop him. “In time? Duckie your main goal in life is still to be with her.”

He shoves his hands in his pockets, exposing the red hand print on his face. “No, I mean…that’s not what I…”

        I cross my arms again realizing that Duckie didn’t even know what he was doing. Just like Andie doesn’t know what she does to the Duck, he has been doing the same to me. I know I have told him before, but I realize now he finally understands what he’s doing to me.

“Listen, Duckie,” my voice is shaky from crying and from what I am about to do. “I love you-”

He cuts me off. “I love you too.”

I take a deep breath. “Right. I love you, but I can’t do this anymore.”

        His eyes get wide and look to the ground. Duck shuffles his feet and kicks the dirt lightly. The wind blows around us almost knocking my hat off. My hand reaches up and holds it in place. His curls wave in the wind as he looks back up to me.

“Are you…are you breaking up with me? Because that’s what it sounds like you’re doing.”

        He crosses and uncrosses his arms and finally shoves them back into his pockets. I take a step towards him and gently kiss his red cheek. I put my hand on his shoulder and look into his eyes. I can tell he’s going to cry, but I can also feel the tears dripping down my face. He puts a hand on my waist and kisses my forehead.

“I’ll see you at school, Duck,” I say stepping away from him.

        As I walk, I can hear him stuttering on my name and trying to think of something cohesive to say. My head hangs low as I trudge towards Terry’s house. I gave her my word to listen to her problems, and it might get my mind off Duckie. Probably not, but worth a shot.

        I knock on her front door and wait on her porch. A car drives by, I hear a cat meow somewhere, and I also hear a siren in the distance. I knock again, a little more impatiently this time. I finally peek into the window. Terry’s Jack Russell, Rover, is sleeping on their couch, but other than that it looks like no one is home. Stupid dog didn’t even bark.

        I walk off the porch and start to feel like I’m going to throw up. I close my eyes and sit down on the curb. This day started out so well. How can it end like this? I look at my watch and groan loudly enough to scare the cat that was hiding under Terry’s porch. It’s only three in the afternoon.

        A car pulls into the driveway and I notice Terry’s driving. I sort of wonder where her parents are, but at the same time, I really don’t care. She comes out of the car swinging even more bags than I saw her with earlier. I laugh a little and stand up. She really does have a problem. I think I need friends with fewer issues. Suddenly, an idea pops into my head. Terry sees me and smiles devilishly.

“What’s the plan?”

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