Chapter One: Seeking

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I could feel her. It was this feeling deep in my bones, a faint aching that let me know that my fated female was close but the longer I looked, the less I found. We needed our female, we had waited for her, so many years had passed and yet we still couldn't find her. We had looked and overturned everything we could to find her, there wasn't a single space on this world that we hadn't looked.

It was why I was now staring up at that glimmering ship that rested above downworld. I had looked everywhere on this planet and I hadn't found her. That meant she was above my head. I knew most of my kind would have forbade the actions I wished to take but I was Russian. Us Russian wolves didn't particularly care for regular conventions. I didn't care about the rules they had in place. If my female was on one of those glittering ships, I would go up and find her. And heaven help any creature that tried to stop me and beast from reaching her.

"I know that look, brother." My cousin Dimi moved to stand beside me and I gave a small grunt of acknowledgement as I studied the ship. It was too far away from me to see properly but I didn't care. I would find a way to get onto it to find my female. "Grunting at me like a pig isn't going to make me go away." He gave an amused huff of air as I reached over and shoved at his shoulder for the remark.

"I thought you would appreciate me acknowledging your existence rather than just ignoring you like most females do." I grinned at that as I leaned against the balcony railing.

Dimi gave a choked sound before pulling me into a vicious headlock that had me laughing. "You are so cruel, brother!" He tightened his grip on my neck and I wheezed out another laugh. "I will tell grandmother and then we shall see who will be laughing!" I twisted and jabbed my fist into his kidney causing him to yelp and let me go. "You bastard, perhaps your female will be an uppity human who won't want anything to do with you. I think she will. It's nothing less than you deserve." He flipped his shaggy hair out of his face and my previous ease melted away, leaving me feeling tense and agitated.

"I will take her away and I will win her favour. No matter what my female looks like or acts like she was made for me. Love will come and I will love none but her." It was something I knew deep inside my soul. I would never have anyone but her. She was meant for me and I for her.

Dimi clapped me on my shoulder and I jolted forward at the heavy hit. "Well if you are so set on this female, it is only fair that your family help get her for you." He tilted his head when I looked at him with narrowed eyes, trying to see if he was teasing me. "If you wish to go up there, Aleksandr, we will join you on that stupidity. It's what family does." His mouth twitched upwards slightly and I gave a rather solemn nod at him before embracing him tightly.

"I appreciate the gift, brother." I truly did. I wished for my female, to bring her back to my home, to bring her into my family. I was thankful that my family wanted to help me retrieve her from wherever she was hiding... or caged. I wanted to bare my teeth at the thought. If I found her caged, I would destroy anyone who thought that it was an acceptable practice. She deserved freedom and I wouldn't abide by anyone taking that from her.

Dimi patted my back before letting me go and stepping back as he crossed his arms over his chest with a smirk. "Do you know someone who has a ship they can fly up there?" At the question I frowned and shook my head. I hadn't thought that far ahead. "Good. Because I do." He gave me a wide grin that had me giving him a lazy one in return. Perfect.

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