Chapter Five: Of Mates and Language Barriers

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I had her. That was the only thought in my head as I held onto the side of the ship as I stood next to her. I had her. I had my female within my reach and it was exhilarating. My heart thudded in my chest so hard it was nearly impossible to hear but I watched as my team dived through the airlock and buckled into their seats with whoops of excitement.

"Disengaging from hull. Get ready for fast descent to surface." Forgan's voice was tense and I glanced over to him and Dimi was holding his hand tightly as the ship shuddered and it seemed to nearly drop out from underneath my feet as we let go of the side of the large ship. I grabbed the side of the ship tighter, refusing to sit down and leave my female's side as she seemed to chant to herself in a different language, her eyes closed together tightly. I could see her jaw tensing and could smell the fear that radiated off of her. I wanted to comfort her, let her know it was okay but it took all I had to hold on. "Sit down, Aleksandr!" Forgan's voice was a heavy demand and I shook my head.

"I need to stay with her!" I couldn't leave her side not after how long it took me to find her.

"Then fucking hold on!" At the bark, I wrapped one hand around the strap of the seat next to her and braced myself. The ship lurched to the side and I could feel it descending rapidly. My heart flew into my throat and I looked at me female, took in her sandalwood and cinnamon scent. It reminded me of home and of happy times in my life. The ship seemed to dive down and I felt myself slipping. I dug my claws into the wall, holding on tight as I leaned closer to her. I promised myself I would never do another crazy stunt like this again as my beast heaved and whimpered inside my head at his version of motion sickness.

The ship settled and evened out and I felt myself relax. "We are in downworld air space. Bogies are gone, they've retreated. Comms speak of full retreat." Dimi said it evenly and I leaned against my arm with a sigh of relief. "You ask me to do this again, brother, and I will kill you." At the warning I gave a weak wave.

"It was worth it." I looked down at my female who still had her eyes closed tightly as she clutched onto the straps of her seat. "She was worth it." I would do it a million times over again if it meant I could have her with me at the end. I had found her and it was all I had wanted in life. I slowly let go of the wall and crouched down in front of her as I pulled off my helmet to get a better view of her. "Hello, kitten." I reached up and brushed at the dried blood that had come from her swollen lip.

Her eyes snapped open and she jerked back from the touch as she stared at me. "My name is Aleksandr, I am your fated male. I am so very happy you are with me." She gave me a slightly blank stare before she narrowed her eyes in confusion.

"No se que estas diciendo." The words were drawn out of her slowly and I blinked at her before tilting my head.

"English?" I asked it slowly and she gave a sharp nod.

"What am I doing here?" It came out so quickly that it was hard for me to translate but once I did I frowned.

"You..." I paused, trying to find the right words in english to explain it to her. "I am beast. You are my female." I smiled at that, happy I got most of the point across.

"What?" She gave me a look of almost ridicule. "I don't get it."

"Moon gives us mates. You mate to me." I slowly pointed from me to her and to my astonishment she burst into laughter and shook her head.

"No. Eres divertido. No no. Eso es hilarante." She looked at me as she shook her head. "Listen, guys like you don't go for girls like me. I mean look at you!" She gestured to me and I looked down at himself before looking up at her in confusion. I didn't really understand what she was saying. Of course I would want to 'go for' her. She was my female.

"I don't understand what you are trying to say. You are my female, the one fated to me from the moon. Why would I not wish to be with you? My form means nothing in that. We are made for each other." I stared at her, feeling a bit frustrated. She was mine and I was hers. It was just how it was.

"No se que estas diciendo." (I don't know what you are saying) She said it quickly and crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't speak gibberish."

I frowned at her. "It Russian."

"It's not Spanish. I want to go home." She clenched her teeth together and lifted her chin.

I narrowed my eyes. "Your home with me now." She would be with me. I wasn't about to let her go now that I had her. She was foolish if she believed that.

"It doesn't work like that." She ground the words out, narrowing her eyes at me as her breathing seemed to heave out of her.

"Yes." I felt my chest rumble slightly in agitation. I didn't want to have this discussion. She was my female and she would be with me. That was the end of the story.

"No! Look at you! You are just fucking-" She gestured me up and down rapidly as if she couldn't find the words to express herself properly. "I can't be with that. That is not how this works!" She turned her face away from me, closing her eyes tightly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Kiska, look at me." I reached for her and she smacked my hand away, refusing to turn her head.

Vete a la mierda!" (Fuck off) She spat it out at me and I didn't have to understand it to know it was more than likely a curse. The ship shuddered underneath my feet before it fell still and the engines shut off. The back hatch opened slowly, the hydraulics nearly whining.

"Out of the ship." Forgan's voice was gruff and I scowled intently, looking at my female and wondering what I could do or say to make her understand me. I watched in my peripherals as my crew got out of the seats and seemed to stumble for the exit and the fresh air that had solid ground with it. "You too, Aleksandr." I bared my teeth and Dimi grabbed my shoulder.

"I will speak to her. You go get changed and bandaged. You were hit a few times. I know you were." He pushed at my shoulder gently and I wanted to growl and bare my teeth but Forgan grabbed my arm and hauled me to my feet.

"He speaks English much better than you do, Alek. Let him help." He muttered it out as he nearly dragged me out of the ship. As much as I didn't appreciate being manhandled, I did appreciate the fresh air and solid ground. Us beasts weren't meant to fly.

Forgan let me go and I winced as I stretched. I could feel where several bullets had grazed me and others had slammed into the bullet proof vest. I knew there would be bruises and marks and Dimi was right. I needed to get the wounds cleaned and bandaged. I glanced behind me, seeing Dimi crouched down in front of my female as he touched her arm gently.

I wanted to say something but Forgan grabbed the back of my neck and pushed me towards his garage. "Leave it and get cleaned up." It was a direct order that I wanted to snarl at but I refrained as I trudged away from the ship and the female who held my future.

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