Epilogue: Welcome Home

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I looked up at the worn cross that hung on the back wall of the chapel. I continued to mutter my prayers, trying to ignore the burning in my eyes and the lump in my throat. It had been months since my sweet Esperanza had disappeared, taken away by the invaders who had breached Haven. I had begged and pleaded with the officials to help me find her, to get her back. They had turned to stone at my tears and had cast me away again and again.

I clasped my hands together tightly, kissing the rosary I held tightly in my hands. My knees ached from resting on the creaking wooden floor but I didn't care. If the officials wouldn't do anything then I would appeal to the higher power. I could only imagine what she was going through. My sweet Esperanza, I had tried to keep her safe on this wretched ship but I had failed. Now I was terrified I hadn't done enough and she was suffering at the hands of the beasts who had her.

"Heavenly father, hear my prayers. I beg of you to save my daughter, keep her safe, and bring her home. Amen." I crossed myself and kissed my rosary before I got to my feet with a wince. My joints ached and creaked as I did so, complaining at the long held position I had been in. I grasped the pew I had been kneeling behind and let out a shuddering breath as a rolling wave of grief rolled over me.

I fought back a sob and wiped at my gritty and sore eyes. I wished I just knew where she was and how she was being treated. It was all I wanted and hoped for. I even prayed for a sign to let me know she was alright. Every single day since she had been taken, I had come to this chapel and prayed for her safety and for a sign she was okay. I had received nothing from all fronts but I put my faith in the Lord. He would return her to me or give me a sign, I knew he would.

I slowly straightened my back and shuffled from the chapel. I would come for prayers later, now I just wished to go home and see the reminders of my only child. The streets were dark and I knew that they would remain empty until morning. I liked it better when it was dark and empty. It was too much for me to try and smile to greet my neighbours. There was just nothing in me to put up that facade.

A large alarm started to blare and I jumped, watching the red flashing lights above my head. I grasped my collar, holding my black coat closed as I hurried further down the street towards my home. "Breach detected. Breach detected. Please lock your doors. Breach detected." The robotic voice made my heart pound. This was like my nightmares all over. Some nights that voice was all I could hear and the red flashing lights was all I could see. I woke up in a cold sweat, terror in my veins at the sight of Esperanza being dragged away, terrified as beasts waited in the shadows that swallowed her.

I covered my ears, trying to muffle the robotic voice that wouldn't stop. I ran down the streets, that alarm echoing in my ears, even through my hands over my ears. "Stop it!" I shouted it out, wanting everything to stop. I hoped this was a nightmare and I would wake up, that I would open my eyes and there would be Esperanza, my sweet daughter.

I thumped against someone and I dropped my hands from my ears. I tried to see who it was but I was grabbed instead. I screamed and a hand was shoved over my mouth as I was carried away. My captor ran through the streets in a way that seemed impossible. I was not a small lady and there was no way the person was human. I felt my heart lurch at the thought. It was a beast.

I struggled, trying to escape, my heart beating frantically in my chest. I couldn't let it end like this. I grasped my rosary tightly in my hands and prayed to the Heavenly Father to save me. I tried to strike my captor with the sharp end of my rosary but couldn't move and I knew my fate was in His hands.

Without warning I was set down and shoved into a hole in the wall. I stumbled into a strange area before I was pushed further into the ship. I stumbled before I was grabbed around the waist and was shoved into a seat. I tried to struggle, lashing out at the person who had me.

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