McCoy's Joyride

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Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek.

(This is set in the JJ Abrams universe)

"What do you think you're gonna do, now our five year mission's over?" Dr McCoy asked his captain as they walked down the steps of Starfleet Academy in San Francisco.

Kirk thought for a moment, "I don't know, it all went so quickly, I haven't got anything planned. What are you gonna do?" He asked Bones.

"I might go check out the scenery, do some travelling. I've always wanted to see the Great Pyramids."

"Where's that?" Kirk asked.

McCoy looked stupefied, "In Egypt! You've spent too much time in space, Jim. You've forgotten the geography of your own planet!" He laughed to himself.

Kirk sighed, "What about you, Spock?"

"Make love, not war."

"What? What did you say?" Kirk asked, astounded.

"Jeez, Jim. What's up with him?" McCoy looked gormless.

Spock stopped in the middle of the steps, "Make love, not war." He repeated.

"Yes, but why did you say that?" Kirk looked at him.

Spock turned around, "Fascinating."

"What is?" Asked McCoy, confused.

"What I have just said, doctor. I do not, however, understand what it means."

"Of course you don't," McCoy looked over at James Kirk.

"It means, you know, do this," he gestured. "Instead of that," he gestured again.

"I still do not understand." Spock looked perplexed.

Kirk reached a conclusion, "Never mind, Spock. It doesn't matter."

"Where did you see that?" McCoy asked the Vulcan.

"See what, doctor?"

Leonard McCoy sighed, "Make love, not war. Y'know, that thing you said."

"From that poster over there," Spock pointed across the street, about ten metres away.

"You can see that?" Bones asked, still trying to make out that hazy white pice of paper Spock had pointed out.

"That's awesome! Not only do you have super hearing, you've got super sight as well!" Kirk sniggered quietly to himself.

"Not really, but that does define it somewhat sufficiently."

McCoy grumbled quietly, "Smug pointy eared hob-goblin!"

Spock looked over at him. "Doctor?"

"Nothing." He replied, hastily.

"Let's go check out that poster, then." Kirk added, "Unless, of course, you can read it too Bones."

"No, I'm not 'Mr Super-Sight'!" He sarcastically replied.

Kirk, Bones and Spock crossed the road and reached the other side.

"There's not much of this poster left, is there?" Kirk noticed.

"No, it must be pretty old." Bones added.

"Looks that way." Kirk continued the idea.

Spock carefully studies the poster, that was stuck to a metal pole. "It appear to be around 200 years old."

"And how do you know that?" McCoy asked, wearily.

"I merely looked at the bottom of it," he replied, pointing to the bottom left hand corner of the stained paper.

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