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James T. Kirk was speeding down the busy street in San Fransisco, in his car. The bright red car stood out against the busy streets of California; not only was it one of the few vehicles in the 23rd century still with wheels, it reflected the light of the sun, gaining much attention from passers by. It was a classic Porsche 911, one of the few still in existence, and originated from the 1960s. Kirk had won it in a poker tournament a while back, and ever since then he'd treated it like his child. Picking up speed, he suddenly got a call from his best friend. Kirk lightly tapped the touch-screen phone that he recently had built into his retro car and answered the call.

"Yup, Spock?" Kirk shouted over the sound of the colossal engine.

"Are you driving?" Spock looked concerned. He asked the question although he could tell that his captain was driving, by the look of Kirk's face and the objects in the background that were whirling crazily behind him.

"Spock, what is it?" Kirk had been enjoying the abundance of free time, since his five-year mission with Starfleet had ended recently.

The Vulcan looked uncomfortable. "Forgive me for asking, but I wondered if I may stay with you because my parents are, at present, unable to have me staying with them."

"Yeah, sure, I don't mind." Kirk shouted back.

"Thank you." Spock didn't smile, but a flicker of something on his facial expression indicated that he was grateful.

"How come your parents won't let you stay with them?" Kirk was confused.

Again, Spock looked uncomfortable, and embarrassed. "My father had an important meeting with a prestigious Vulcan ambassador, to be held at my home. He did not specifically state this, but I know it was because he would be somewhat embarrassed to have my company present." Spock paused. "I'm not a Vulcan."

"What?" Kirk yelled back. "Of course you are! You're the most logical person I know!" He added the compliment.

"No, I am not a full Vulcan."

"Well." Kirk thought about what to say in response to that. "That's what makes you... special." He smiled.

"Thank you." Spock didn't smile back, he couldn't.

"Don't mention it. Wait," Kirk thought, "Why do you need somewhere to stay? you live with Uhura. Surely you can stay in your own house?"

"Since I caught her... " Spock paused, obviously uncomfortable. "... I do not think I need to explain it any further. Uhura and I have decided it is best for us to keep our distance for the moment."

"What? You're not gonna split up are you?" Kirk was worried for his friend; he cared about him.

Spock replied. "No, we just felt it would be beneficial to the both of us if she stayed with her parents, with our son. Vulcans are not... solitary, it would be logical if I had... company. I have been on the Enterprise for the past five years, with four hundred other people. Now, with Uhura and Jim gone for the moment... "

"Yeah, sure you can stay with me, I hope you to can work it out." He offered a caring smile. "Hey, are you gonna come round here or what? Shall I come and get you, it can't be far."

"I shall make my own way. I don't expect to take long." Spock replied.

Kirk turned off his car-phone and spun the Porsche round, in the direction of his apartment.

Kirk's apartment was on the second floor of a reasonably sized complex. It was in southern San Francisco, very near to the beach.

Kirk, himself, was fast asleep on his sofa when a buzzing sound woke him up.

Star Trek: Reboot: After the EnterpriseWhere stories live. Discover now