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"Dude!" Kirk walked into his living room, with some measurable anount of swagger. His best friend, commander Spock, was staying with him whilst Uhura got some time to herself. The Vulcan's hair was unusually long and shaggy. It looked clean, just unkempt. "Have you seen your hair?" He asked Spock, bemused.

Spock's head spun around on the leather couch. "Jim? What is wrong with my hair?"

Kirk tried to stop himself from laughing. "Have you seen yourself? Seriously, look in the mirror!" He couldn't contain his laughter anymore.

Spock was still confused. "Jim?"

"Just... Just look in the mirror."

Spock considered the words carefully, then walked into the white bathroom and stood in front of the square shaped mirror. "I fail to see what is causing you to be so consumed by laughter."

Kirk was still giggling to himself, but slightly quieter now, and followed Kirk into the bathroom. He stood behind him and fluffed up his friend's hair. It began to look spiky and longer than it already was. "You look like an Emo!"

"An Emo?"

"Yeah, y'know?" That was Kirk's best explanation.

"Ah." Spock realised something. "If my knowledge is correct, an 'Emo' is an overly emotional person. Therefore there is no logic in your conclusion."

"You need to cut your hair. It's like, I don't know, just way too long."

Spock stayed his confusion. "I fail to see how my hair being long indicates that I am an 'Emo'."

"Look, I was gonna book myself for a haircut soon, do you wanna come?"

Spock approved. "That would seem logical."

Bones McCoy was driving in his new car. He'd only ever owned an automobile with wheels, and although hovercars had been around for quite some time, he'd only just bought one now. He'd always been interested in retro and old-Earth style vehicles but he decided to try out the hovercar. His new car came with a state-of-the-art car phone, and he chose to see if it would work. He dialled the number for James Kirk. "Hey Jim!" He yelled over the car's powerful engine as it roared down the San Francisco street.

"Bones. What's up?"

He grinned. "Nothing much, just checking out the new carphone."

"Oh cool. I was just gonna get my hair cut. And Spock."

"Spock? Isn't his hair always perfectly pruned, y'know, like one of the Beatles?" He joked.

Kirk laughed at McCoy's comment. "Yeah, but its gotten pretty long, and to be honest, he looks like an Emo." He laughed again.

"Well, I suppose I'm always saying I want him to be more human!"

Star Trek: Reboot: After the EnterpriseWhere stories live. Discover now