Red & Blue

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Commander Spock had had a long day and all he wanted was a rest; he'd had to put up with Kirk moaning about a girl who dumped him and Scotty saying how much he'd missed the Enterprise. Now their five-year mission was over and they were awaiting a new assignment.

He'd decided to take the long way home; the scenic route. His relationship with lieutenant Uhura had been strong for over four years, apart from going through a slightly rough patch during their encounter with John Harrison.

Spock had been sharing a small house with Uhura on Earth for a few months, since the mission ended and they needed somewhere they called home. Spock had decided to move in with Nyota when he'd had to live with James Kirk for a couple of weeks. That was an experience he didn't think he'd forget anytime soon.

It didn't take Spock long to walk to the small house in San Francisco. Many Starfleet personnel lived in the area, because it was so close to the headquarters. He passed many of his colleagues on the way and had greeted them accordingly. He felt as though his relationship with Uhura had brought his human side out further. His mother had always told him to embrace his mixed heritage instead of view it as an obstacle, and now he finally was. He wished she could have seen him now. He was a successful and revered Starfleet officer, the first officer on what was perhaps the best ship in the fleet; the Enterprise. In addition, he'd made many human friends and has settled down with Nyota Uhura. He was now a father.

Finally, Spock reached the front door of the bungalow, but before walking in, he glanced to the side; the bedroom curtain was closed. Strange, he thought. It was the middle of the day and the sun was out, blazing in a hit summer's day. Why on earth did Uhura close the curtains. He thought no more of it and opened the door. It was extremely quite inside, but Spock homes in his Vulcan hearing and noticed very faint giggles. He was almost certain that the sound was coming from the room to the right of the hallway; their bedroom. He knocked on the door and heard some scuffling. He was sure there were more than two feet in there. The worst thing he heard was moaning.

He reached out and pushed the white door open. He did not like what he saw, not only was Uhura's head in the covers, but someone else's was aswell. It was a man. Spock stood there, openmouthed, as stiff as a rock.

"Spock!" Uhura exclaimed, shocked. "Wha... What? I thought you weren't back for a few hours?" There was a look of embarrassment and much shame in her eyes.

Spock shook his head. "No, Nyota, who is this man?" He gestured to the blond man who was adjacent to his girlfriend in the bed.

"Hey, I'm Kurt!" The man spoke up, proudly.

"What?" Spock tried very hard to cover his anguish, but he could not. He was outraged. His human side was getting the better of him, much to his shame.

"I said, 'I'm Kurt'." The man repeated.

Spock went pale. "I... I know." He was silent for a long time, not knowing what to say or how to react. He'd walked in on Kirk under similar circumstances, but this was different; Uhura wasn't just his friend, she was his partner. They had a child together. Suddenly, Spock's temper got the better of him. "Get out!" He yelled at Kurt, his previously gritted teeth not able to contain his shame. His anger. Anguish. Despair.

"What? Why?" Kurt asked with a measurable amount of cheek. "How'd you bag a girl like this, anyway?" He smirked.

"Get out!" Spock repeated, even louder, this time.

"Alright, jeez, I'm going!" He got up and pulled in his top and jeans. He hasn't even out his shoes on when Spock practically kicked him out.

The Vulcan walked into the sitting area, not speaking. Once Uhura had put the remainder of her clothes, she followed Spock into the lounge.

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