Illogical Intoxication

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Kirk sighed and adjusted his position on his black leather couch. He just could not get comfortable.

Spock had obviously noticed his friend's discomfort. "Jim?"

"Oh," Kirk looked up, "it's nothing."

"I believe it is called 'fidgeting'."

Kirk harrumphed. "Yes, yes it is."

Spock nodded his head and burrowed his head in his book.

"What's that you're reading?"

Spock showed a flicker of annoyance then answered his captain's question. "I, Robot."

"Aaah," Kirk remembered that title from his childhood. "Asimov."

"Have you read any other books by him?"

"No, I've only ever read 'I, Robot'. It's a very interesting book."

"It is... fascinating that someone from that time period could have imagined so much."

"Yep, it is. When I was a boy, it was my favourite book. I was a weird kid."

Spock nodded once more then continued to read his Asimov novel, secretly hoping Kirk would ask him any more questions...

Spock got his wish, for some time, anyway. Kirk's flat was quiet for the next half hour, until the silence was broken.

"So... " James Kirk spoke again. "What do you think we should do later?"

Spock didn't look up from his novel. "I have no preference."

Kirk stood up and walked into the kitchen area, "I was thinking invite Bones round and, you know, have a drink or two."

The Vulcan cocked his head. "Have a drink or two?"

"Y'know?... " Kirk couldn't exclaim it any further. "Anyway, I'll call Bones."

Leonard McCoy buzzed the panel by the front door of Kirk's flat. "Jim, its me."

"Yep, you can come right up." Kirk replied.

Moments later, McCoy appeared in Kirk's doorway and in his hands were what looked like the ingredients for a mint julep. McCoy was never at piece without his julep.

"Ah, Bones. I see you brought your child with you." He laughed, referring to the things he was holding.

Spock popped his head out from his book, which he was past half way. "Doctor? Child?"

McCoy replied. "He means these, you... Vulcan!"

"Sit down, Bones. Spock's reading something by Isaac Asimov. I'm sure he'd tell you about it." Kirk gestured to the sofa.

"Gee, thanks Jim." McCoy sat down on the black settee, and Spock began explaining the plot of 'I, Robot' to him.

In the kitchen area, Kirk had prepared the mint julep, after dripping almost half of the sugar on the floor.

After no more than a few minutes, Kirk reappeared, carrying three juleps in his hands.

He walked over to Bones. "Here you go."

He then turned to his Vulcan flat mate. "Hey, Spock," he gestured to the drink in his hand. "Do you want one?"

The Vulcan shook his head. "No thank you, Jim. Vulcans prefer not to endure the many effects of alcohol."

"Aw, come on, Spock." The doctor smiled, somewhat incapacitated by the two and a half mint juleps he had already consumed. "Live a little."

"I am living, doctor. Therefore, your statement is obsolete."

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