His thoughts after meeting you

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- She is very respectful and responsible for her age, I just hope she would be okay if I got to know her better


- This 'Y/n' seems to be pretty nice, for a human, but she would never want to be around someone like me


- She is very smart and sneaky for a human, maybe I could teach her some fighting techniques sometime


- I hope that they get back to Earth safely, especially Y/n, I would like to get to know her better someday


- Wow, I had no idea that Keith had such a cool friend, she's fun to be around and she's super cute


- I caught a human and hopefully she won't escape like the other three, at least Emporor Zarkon was pleased with her


- Hopefully this human won't escape, but I will make sure that she doesn't get sent to the arena, there's something different about her


- I should put this human in one of the empty cells so that I can interrogate her later


- For a human female she is strong and fast, perhaps I should teach her a few fighting techniques so that she stays alive longer


- I'll admit the human I caught is kinda hot, I should definitely get to know her better

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