When he's sick

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- He doesn't get sick very often

- But when he does he tries to still go out on missions

- When he is sick you have to remind him to not go on missions

- He does however still work in his office since he hates sitting in bed when he could be doing something

- If he has something more serious then you make him stay in bed


- He doesn't get sick very often

- When he is sick though you tell Kolivian that he can't go out on any missions

- He gets very stubborn when he's sick and he argues with you and insists that he can go out on missions

- If he is running a fever though he stays in bed

- He secretly likes it when you baby him


- He doesn't get sick very often

- But when he does get sick it usually gets pretty bad

- He usually gets put on bed rest until he's better

- He secretly likes alphabet soup

- You have to keep an eye on him so that he doesn't get out of bed


- He rarely ever gets sick

- But when he does get sick he won't go to the med bay

- He secretly likes it when you baby him

- He also likes it when you make him chicken noodle soup

- When he's sick you both have a movie marathon


- He doesn't get sick very often

- When he does get sick Kolivian tells him to stay in bed

- He likes it when you take care of him when he's sick

- He also likes it when you make him chicken and stars soup

- Also, when he's sick you both watch musicals together


- He rarely ever gets sick

- When he does get sick he still goes out on missions and stuff

- One time he collapsed when he went on a mission while he was sick so Zarkon made you take care of him

- When he has to stay in bed he gets angry

- The only way for you to help him get to sleep is to massage his ears


- He doesn't get sick very often

- When he does get sick though Sendak still makes him go out on missions

- If he has something more serious he stays in his room

- He sleeps a lot when he's sick

- He also loves it when you take care of him when he's sick


- For some reason he gets sick easier than most Galra

- Sendak makes him stay in his room

- He pouts when he has to stay in bed when he's sick

- He does like it though when you make him soup

- For some reason he likes it when you tell him about your childhood


- He doesn't get sick very often

- When he is sick though he rarely comes out of his room

- He insists that you be the one to take care of him when he's sick

- He loves it when you make him soup

- He also loves playing board games, especially checkers


- He doesn't get sick very often

- But when he is sick he absolutely will NOT come out of his room

- He makes a fuss if he needs medicine

- He does like it though when you baby him while he's sick

- After you introduced him to some Earth cartoons you both will binge watch them

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