How he reacts to you getting an injury

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- He's very calm, even if the injury is bad

- He rushes you to the med bay so that Ulaz can get you fixed up

- He will stay by your side no matter what


- If it's bad and he has to take you to the med bay he will wear his mask

- If it's something small though like a paper cut he will let you handle it

- But if he does take you to the med bay he will be there for you


- If you have a serious injury he will carry you bridle style to the med bay

- He will also be there for you. Especially if needles are involved

- But if it's something small he will take care of it


- Since he's a doctor he knows what to do when you're injured

- If it's serious he will do everything in his power to make sure that you're not in too much pain

- If it's something small he will still take care of it


- If it's something serious he panics a little since he doesn't want to lose you. But he always tries not to panic

- He will hold your hand as you get fixed up

- If it's not serious though he will wait for you to put a bandaid on before he cuddles with you


- Normally he wouldn't care if a human got injured. But you're his girlfriend, so that's different

- If it's serious he will take you to the med bay and he will stay with you to make sure nothing bad happens to you

- If it's something small though he lets you take care of it


- He usually wouldn't care. But since you're his girlfriend he does

- If it's serious he will have a medic come to fix you up

- If it's not serious he will help you with it


- If it's serious he will rush you to the med bay and stay with you until the medic is done with you

- He doesn't show it much but he gets worried if you're seriously injured

- If it's something small he will help you by putting disinfectant and a bandaid on it


- When you're injured he will take you straight to the med bay

- If it's something serious he will try and distract you so that you won't feel too much pain

- If it's something small though he'll take you to his room where he takes care of it


- If it's serious he tries not to show that he cares about you but fails when he starts to panic

- He will rush you to the med bay no matter what kind of injury you get. Even if it's just a tiny scratch

- Afterwards he will take you to either his or your bedroom to cuddle and kiss

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