First kiss

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- You both had been dating for six months and you wanted to kiss him

- One night after a date he bent down and asked if he could kiss you

- You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss that gave both of you butterflies in your stomachs

- Regris was secretly taking pictures of you both kissing until Antok stopped him


- You both had been dating for ten months and he really wanted to kiss you

- He had never been kissed before (or even dated)

- After one particular date you asked him to bend down to your level

- You then pulled him in for a mind blowing kiss that left him weak in the knees


- The two of you had been dating for five months now

- One night when you both were saying your goodnights after a date you both looked into each other's eyes

- You both leaned in and kissed each other (he had to bend down to your level)

- You both kissed for ten minutes before you went into your room


- You both had been dating for four months and you desperately wanted to kiss him

- He knew that you wanted to kiss him and he'd be lying if he said that he didn't want to kiss you

- One night after a date he bent down and gave you a very passionate kiss. One that made you weak in the knees

- Unfortunately when you went back inside the Castle Shiro gave you a package of condoms before he walked away without saying a word


- You both had been dating each other for two months and he really wanted to kiss you. But he had never kissed anyone or been kissed

- One night after a date you both were looking at each other as you were saying your goodnights

- He then leaned down and you wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist

- You then pulled him in for the best first kiss ever


- You both had been dating for eleven months and he wanted to kiss you

- After one of your dates you noticed that he looked a little nervous and you asked him why. He of course said that he wasn't nervous

- He then picked you up bridle style and gave you a passionate kiss that made you dizzy

- Haxus and Hepta were secretly watching you both kiss each other


- You had been dating him for eight months without a single kiss

- One night however after a date you kept looking at his lips as you both said your goodnights

- He smirked when he saw where you were looking and he knew what you wanted

- He then bent down and kissed you


- You both had been dating for three and a half months and you wanted to kiss him. You had come close a few times but someone always interrupted you both

- One night however after a date you asked him to bend down and close his eyes

- He did as you said and you licked your lips, wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him

- He instantly began kissing you back. Thankfully no one interrupted you both


- He had been dating you for two months and each time he tried to kiss you someone would walk around the corner

- One day however he had enough and he dragged you into a storage closet

- He then picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist and wrapped your arms around his neck as he held your butt. He had even gotten a boner

- You both ended up having a thirty minute make out session until Sendak opened the door. But when he saw you both making out he closed the door and walked away with a huge blush (poor traumatized Sendak)


- You both had been dating for one month and you really wanted to kiss him

- One night after a date he pinned you to a wall and passionately kissed you

- You both ended up heavily making out in the hallway where your room was

- Everyone avoided the hallway where you both were making out

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