A Lord

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Daenerys entered first, being the queen, she has that right. She sat and everyone bowed their heads before her. Then Jon entered, then Bran, and then Arya.

Daenerys smiled at Arya when she entered, but Arya just inclined her head, like everyone else. When she took her seat, she noticed that Gendry was missing. She paid little mind to it, though. He could just be running late, she told herself, but what lowborn bastard would attend a feast late?

When the feasting began and ended, Queen Daenerys raised a hand to the guards standing at the door. "Tell him he may enter." The guards nodded and opened the doors. Arya almost said something, but she stopped.

Suddenly, Gendry walked through the great doors, wearing a formal tunic and trousers. This was the first time Arya had seen him in anything but dirty rags.

He entered anxiously, rubbing his hands together and avoiding eye contact with any person. He jumped when the doors closed.

"Your grace," he said, trying to sound confident. "I'm sorry, your grace, if I'm not dressed proper enough. This is the nicest thing I could find."

"It's alright, Gendry," the queen laughed a bit. "Do you know why I've asked you to wear something proper?"

"No, your grace." He took a glance around to meet Arya. She mouthed words to him but all he did back was shrug his shoulders and turn his mouth upside down.

"Do you know who your father is?"

"No, your grace," he quickly looked away from Arya and down at the ground. "All I know is that he left me and my mum when I was born. Mum sold me off. Neither of them loved me. I'm better off without them."

"Well, I can't vouch for your mother, but it might do some good to know where you come from," The queen smiled her sweet smile.

"You know my father?"

"Personally? No, I didn't. But I knew many who did. I knew many who loved him, and many who hated him. He's dead now. He's been dead for a long time." Arya knew Dany was about to do something big, but she didn't know what. "Gendry Waters."

His deep blue eyes met the queens violet ones, "Yes, your grace?"

"Your father is no other than the late King Robert Baratheon."

Gendry nearly fell but caught himself on a nearby table. His eyes widened. He looked at Arya, who was staring at her plate of mutton with her lips slightly parted. "That means I-"

"You're a highborn bastard, yes," Daenerys said. "But I don't want you to be Gendry Waters."

Gendry looked at Arya, still. "What do you want me to be then?" He asked.

"I want you to be Gendry Baratheon." The whole room seemed to gasp when the words came out. Arya looked at Daenerys, who was already looking at her. Gendry watched the two of them closely.

He tried to pull Dany's eyes off of Arya, "Why, your grace?"

"Because we need someone to rule the Stormlands," she said. "A good man. I believe you are one, yes?"

"I think so, your grace," Gendry said meekly. Arya's eyes fell, and so did every part of her except her body.

"Very well then," the queen continued. "I name you Lord Gendry Baratheon, heir to Storms End."

Gendry was hesitant, but he took a cup from a nearby table, raised it high, and drank it to the very last drop. The room cheered as people handed Gendry cups of ale and wine. He drank everything he was offered. By the time the people were excused, Gendry needed to be carried to his bed chambers by the guards. Mumbling, he allowed the two huge men to pick him up by his arms and legs.

Arya found Daenerys after supper. She roughly tapped her shoulder, "Why did you do that?"

"I need support from all sides," Daenerys said, "Especially the smallfolk."

"Are you going to name every bastard a lord?" Arya japed meanly. "Oh, me next! Please, your grace! I'll do anything, your grace!"

"Listen to me, girl," Daenerys' tone was serious. "I am still your queen. And you are still no one."

Arya turned around and left. She couldn't stand to look at the silver bitch any longer. She walked and walked until she found herself in front of Rickon's room, where Gendry was. What am I doing here? She asked herself.

She was about to turn and leave to her own room when she heard a bang coming from inside. Oh, seven hells. She opened the door and saw Gendry laying on his back on the floor. She walked in and closed the door.

"What are you doing?" She teased him, but sweetly, helping sit up against the bed.

"I was thinking," he muttered. It was almost inaudible, but not quite.

Arya knew how drunk he was by the smell of his clothes. No doubt he had spilled more than he drank. Arya laughed and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Do you know my father was the king!" He yelled at her.

Arya giggled and covered her ear as if that would stop the ringing. "Yes, I know that your father was-" she furrowed her brows. "Your father was the king."

"Yes, my father was the king. The fat, mean king who whored and drank his way through life, but he was still the king."

"No, thats not how I meant it. I just- you know what that makes you, right?" She looked at him.

"Hm? Tomorrow. Bed now." He tried to stand but fell back down. Arya stood to help him up. She didn't do much, she wasn't strong enough, but Gendry liked it nonetheless.

She held his arm and led him to bed. As she blew the light out and began to leave, Gendry called out for her.

"Yes, Gendry?"

"Can you come back?"

"Do you need anything?"

"No, but- I don't think I'll be able to sleep without you," he said shyly.

Arya smiled in the dark, where no one could see. She walked over to his side of the bed and climbed in front of him. Her face was to his and once he could feel her breathing, he put a hand gently to her cheekbone.

"I love you," he said. Almost immediately after, Arya could hear him snoring every so slightly.

"I love you, too." Arya laid her small hand on his face and kissed him at the corner of his mouth. He was asleep, but he still smiled when he felt her touch.

Arya Snow and Gendry Waters: Just Two BastardsWhere stories live. Discover now