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"How do we know you're telling the truth?" Someone from the crowd asked.

"It has been said that Raegar kidnapped Lyanna, but thats not true," Sam spoke for the first time that night. "They were in love. The son of a king and the daughter of a lord. They were married in secret and conceived a child. Her name is Visenya Targaryen and she stands before us today."

The son of a king and the daughter of a lord, Arya repeated as she looked at Gendry.

Sam stood. "It's true. I know it true," he stuttered a bit. "I read it during my time training to be a maester. Raegar was dismissed from his marriage to the Martel girl, and the same day he married Lyanna."

Everyone was still, minding what queen Danaerys would say next.

"I never knew my brother," she said. "But I've heard stories. He was a good man, and he sacrificed everything for love. He knew he would never sit the throne, but he thought one day, his daughter would. Viserys told me that he was awful and mad. But Viserys was never one for truth."

Arya didn't know where Danaerys was going with this.

"When a Targaryen is born the Gods flip a coin," she said. "Viserys was evil. Who's to say Arya is good?"

"I am," Gendry stood. "All her life she's wanted to help people." Arya looked at him, confused.

"You. Gendry, a bastard-"

"I'm not a bastard anymore. You made it so," Gendry interrupted. "Arya isn't a bastard either. She's higher born than all of us." He gestured around the room. "Arya brought spring to the world. She killed her own brother for us. Visenya Targaryen is the princess who was promised!"

The whole castle shook with cheer. Arya felt very little, but she saw the exact opposite in Danaerys, whose rage could be seen from a thousand leagues away. Right. I killed my own brother. And now the all of Winterfell knows who I am. She turned to the corner to see Lord Varys, who raised a cup to her and nodded. She mimicked his motions. Danaerys stood and left the hall, fiery with anger. Arya followed.

"I didn't ask either of them to do that," Arya said, her voice echoing down the hall.

"I know you didn't. You wouldn't," Danaerys sniffled. "He betrayed me. He told me he loved me and then he betrayed me."

Arya couldn't know who she was talking about. "Who betrayed you?"

"Jon," she turned around calmly, wiping a tear from under her nose. "We were to be wed, to rule the Seven Kingdoms together."

"I'm sorry. I've ruined everything," Arya stepped forward. "It's all my fault."

"No, Arya, it's mine. I don't know what I was thinking. I could never rule. I can't even control Viserion. I-" she broke into a cry. Why is she confiding this to me? Doesn't she know we are competing?

"I don't know what to say I-" Arya stuttered. "I don't want it."

"I know you don't. That's why I will have it," she stopped crying and stood tall.


"I know you don't want it," she repeated. "There's only one way for me to be next in line. You'll have to die."

"Danaerys, wait-"

"No, not now," she laughed and wiped a tear from her cheek. "I wouldn't have the blood of a bastard on my hands."

Arya slowly stepped back, but her foot found the rug behind her and pulled her to the ground. Danaerys was standing above her when someone put their hand on her shoulder.

"Danaerys. You don't need to do this," a deep voice said.

Danaerys put her hand atop Jon's.

"Yes I do, Jon," she said, "We both know that I am the true queen. I have been betrayed." She turned all the way to Jon "By both of you."

"Dany, please," he shook his head. "Don't do this- I love you."

"Yes, you love me," she pulled his hand off of her shoulder. "And yet you betrayed me. On the morrow, I'll have you hanged as a traitor to the crown."

"No," Arya whispered in disbelief. "No!" She stepped forward and Danaerys turned to face her. "There has to be another way to-"

"Yes," she interrupted. "We can make it work." A flicker of hope appeared on Jon's face. "I've just told you how."

Jon fell to his knees before Danaerys. Arya tried to step closer but she was stopped. Huge hands picked her up and carried her away. The last thing she saw was her brother being dragged out of sight.

Arya was taken straight to her room, where Gendry was waiting by her door, "What happened?" He asked when the huge man shoved her inside the room and closed the door.

"Queens orders." Was the only response he got from the servant. Gendry pushes his way into Arya's room.

"I won't let her kill him," Arya paced in front of her bed. She rubbed her hands together as tears fell down her face. "I won't let her do it, I'll kill her first before she lays a fucking finger on him."

"Arya stop," Gendry grabbed her shoulders and she shook in his grasp. His mouth opened and his eyebrows furrowed. He squinted his eyes, trying to figure out what she was saying. "What happened when you left the hall?"

"She said Jon betrayed her," she wasn't looking into his eyes, still in shock. "She said that she was going to hang him," she paused and her eyes widened. "Tomorrow."

Gendry let his hands fall to hers. He held them tight. "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know," she whimpered. "Is there anything I can do?"

"Maybe she'll spare him," Gendry was hopeful. "Maybe she'll forgive him."

Arya shook her head. "She won't. You should have seen her," Her face scrunched. "She can't be stopped."

Gendry didn't know what to say. He pulled her close to his chest and wrapped his arms around her. She began to sob. For as long as she needed, Gendry held her.

Arya Snow and Gendry Waters: Just Two BastardsWhere stories live. Discover now